AccueilMoviesLes couples de célébrités qui l'ont appelé quittent en 2018

Les couples de célébrités qui l’ont appelé quittent en 2018

Paris Hilton, Chris ZylkaGetty Images

L’amour a souvent une date d’expiration à Hollywood, et comme il l’a fait au cours des années passées, ce triste fait est resté vrai en 2018. Des stars qui ne sont sorties que pour quelques mois aux couples mariés depuis plus d’une décennie, personne n’est à l’abri du chagrin – même les riches et les célèbres. Des rappeurs en tête des charts aux acteurs de la liste A, des stars de la réalité aux sensations des médias sociaux, des politiciens aux stars de la pop – nous avons le plat sur les jeunes amoureux et les vieux couples mariés qui ont décidé de se séparer. Certains se sont engagés à être des amis pour toujours et des coparents amicaux. Autres? Enfin, pas tant que ça.

Quel comédien veut redéfinir les débuts et les fins? Quel musicien a dit que son ex « mérite mieux » et quel mari désespéré se bat pour reconquérir sa femme? Nous avons lu entre les lignes de toutes ces « différences irréconciliables » pour examiner les couples de célébrités notables qui l’ont appelé à quitter en 2018.

Nicki Minaj et Nas

Nicki Minaj et NasGetty Images

Lorsque la plupart des gens montaient encore le sommet qui accompagne chaque nouvelle année, la superstar du rap Nicki Minaj et l’artiste hip hop Nas (nom complet Nasir Jones) se dirigeaient vers 2018 en tant que célébrités nouvellement célibataires.
Début janvier, la nouvelle a annoncé que le couple, qui était sorti depuis sept mois au total, avait mis fin aux choses. Selon TMZ, La distance de Nas et Minaj a contribué à leur séparation. Ils auraient vécu dans deux villes différentes.

Une source confirmée Nous hebdomadaire. « Ils n’étaient jamais au même endroit en même temps, il était donc difficile de faire avancer leur relation », a déclaré l’initié. Heureusement, il n’y aurait pas de mauvais sang entre ces deux-là. « Ils restent toujours amis », a indiqué la source.

Anne Heche et James Tupper

Anne Heche et James TupperGetty Images

En dépit d’être ensemble depuis plus d’une décennie, l’actrice Anne Heche et sa partenaire de longue date, Big Little Lies«James Tupper, a rompu en janvier. À l’époque, Heche a déposé des documents pour établir la garde et la pension alimentaire pour leur fils, Atlas, qu’ils ont accueilli en 2009 (via Nous hebdomadaire). L’ancien couple avait également pris soin du fils d’Heche d’un précédent mariage, Homer, pendant leur séjour ensemble.

Dans une déclaration commune obtenue par Gens, Heche et Tupper ont dit qu’ils avaient « partagé une belle vie ensemble et ont de nombreux souvenirs merveilleux », mais apparemment, cela ne suffisait pas. La déclaration notait: « Les relations changent et se développent; nous prenons du temps pour cela. Nous nous soucions beaucoup les uns des autres et prévoyons de continuer à élever nos deux beaux garçons dans l’amour et l’harmonie. »

Michael Fishman et Jennifer Briner

Michael Fishman et Jennifer BrinerGetty Images

Les choses sont finies entre Les Conners l’acteur Michael Fishman et sa femme de 19 ans, Jennifer Briner. TMZ a rapporté que Fishman et Briner avaient demandé le divorce en décembre 2018. La séparation aurait été amicale et aurait duré longtemps, car le couple avait initialement commencé le processus de séparation en juin 2017 mais avait censément appuyé sur pause après Roseanne a été soudainement annulé.

Fishman, qui joue D.J. Conner sur le Roseanne retombées Les Conners, a épousé Briner en 1999, alors qu’il avait 18 ans, a rapporté Page six. Fishman et Briner partagent deux enfants: son fils Aaron et sa fille Isabelle. Documents judiciaires obtenus par TMZ, Fishman et Briner ont demandé la garde conjointe physique et juridique de leur fille – qui, au moment de la rédaction de cet article, a 16 ans. Leur fils n’est plus mineur.

Lena Dunham et Jack Antonoff

Lena Dunham et Jack AntonoffGetty Images

Personne n’a vu venir cette rupture: Les filles La créatrice et star Lena Dunham et le musicien des Bleachers Jack Antonoff ont mis fin à leur relation après avoir passé plus de cinq ans ensemble en couple.
Selon un E! Nouvelles initié, la scission était mutuelle. « Jack et Lena se séparaient et il était tout simplement logique qu’ils mettent fin à leur relation là où elle était », a déclaré la source. « Ils veulent le meilleur l’un pour l’autre, quoi qu’il arrive. Ils avancent tous les deux. »

Bien que la séparation de Dunham et Antonoff ait été inattendue, les fans peuvent rester tranquilles en sachant qu’aucune des célébrités ne nourrit de mal envers l’autre. S’ouvrant sur les raisons pour lesquelles elle continuera de porter une bague qu’Antonoff lui a donnée, Dunham a déclaré à ses abonnés Instagram (via Divertissement ce soir), « Je porterai toujours [it] parce que l’amour est une chose vraiment cool, éternellement puissante, éternelle. « Elle a ajouté: » Il n’est pas nécessaire de la définir comme nous, dans la culture occidentale, la définissons – comme un commencement et une fin. Les choses peuvent être, « Vous êtes une goutte d’eau et vous rentrez dans l’océan. »  »
Comme c’est très zen.

Brandi Glanville et Donald Friese

Brandi Glanville et Donald FrieseInstagram

Ces deux-là sont terminés. Les vraies femmes au foyer de Beverly Hills«Brandi Glanville a annoncé sa rupture avec son petit ami d’un an, Donald« DJ »Friese – et, apparemment, les médias sociaux étaient à blâmer.
Se rendre sur Twitter pour partager les nouvelles, Glanville a écrit, « Les médias sociaux ruinent la romance! Ils ont ruiné la mienne. » Elle plus tard ajoutée, « Est officiel, je suis SINGLE! Il est tous urs IG houes! Il est adorable alors sois gentil. » Peu de temps après, Glanville tweeté, « Quand IG est le véritable véritable amour de votre vie, je pense que vous avez vraiment besoin de vous vérifier et de changer votre concentration. » Oui.

Elle a peut-être qualifié Friese de « charmante », mais il ne semble pas que les choses se soient bien terminées pour ces anciennes flammes.

Alex Pall et Tori Woodward

Alex Pall et Tori WoodwardInstagram

Alex Pall des Chainsmokers et sa flamme de longue date, Tori Woodward, ont mis fin à leur relation en janvier – après que le célèbre DJ aurait été surpris en train de tromper des images de sécurité.
Tel que rapporté par Gens, Woodward a partagé une preuve présumée de l’infidélité de Pall sur ses histoires Instagram – les images semblaient montrer que Pall embrassait une autre femme. « Alex est dégoûtant. Les hommes sont des ordures. N’oubliez jamais », a écrit Woodward dans la légende d’un article. Elle a ajouté: « Ils vous regarderont dans les yeux et vous diront qu’ils vous aiment. Ensuite, vous détruirons sans arrière-pensée. »

Après la honte publique de Woodward, Pall a déclaré TMZ qu’il se sentait « misérable ». Il a également déclaré au paparazzo du chiffon à potins que son ex-petite amie « mérite le meilleur », ajoutant: « Je ne souhaite que le meilleur pour elle. Elle mérite un meilleur gars que moi. »

Jesse Williams et Minka Kelly

Jesse Williams et Minka KellyGetty Images

Après son divorce qui a fait la une des journaux de son épouse Aryn Drake-Lee, Jesse Williams s’est réuni avec une autre star hollywoodienne, Minka Kelly. Cependant, ce couple n’a pas duré longtemps. Après avoir enduré des rumeurs selon lesquelles ils avaient eu une liaison lors de son mariage avec Drake-Lee, avec qui Williams partage deux enfants, le couple a finalement mis fin à sa romance. La nouvelle de la disparition de Williams et Kelly a éclaté en janvier, selon Divertissement ce soir.

Bien que leur relation aurait été solide comme un roc en octobre 2017, le L’anatomie de Grey étoile et Les lumières du vendredi soir L’actrice, qui aurait commencé à sortir ensemble en juillet 2017, est apparemment restée plusieurs mois sans se voir avant que leur rupture n’ait frappé la presse, a déclaré une source. Divertissement ce soir.

Scott Phillips et Julie Bowen

Scott Phillips et Julie BowenGetty Images

Famille moderne la star Julie Bowen et son mari de 13 ans, Scott Phillips, ont déclaré qu’ils arrêtaient de fumer début février, ont rapporté Gens. Ils se sont mariés en septembre 2004 et partagent trois enfants: les fils Oliver, John et Gustav. Ils auraient «vécu des vies séparées» depuis la fin de 2017, a rapporté E! Nouvelles.

En septembre 2016, Bowen a plaisanté sur son mariage avec Nous hebdomadaire, attribuant la romance durable de Phillips et elle à la paresse. « Nous regardons tous ces gens se marier et se séparer et dire: » Attendez, est-ce qu’ils se sont mariés après nous ou avant nous? «  », Avait alors déclaré Bowen. « Nous survivons à tous ces gens. La réponse: nous sommes trop fatigués pour faire autre chose! »
Il semble que Bowen et Phillips aient finalement trouvé l’énergie pour reconsidérer leur relation.

Michael Sheen et Sarah Silverman

Michael Sheen et Sarah SilvermanGetty Images

La comédienne Sarah Silverman et son petit ami acteur, Maîtres du sexe La star Michael Sheen, s’est fait ses adieux au cours de la saison des vacances 2017, mais ils n’ont pas rendu public leur grande rupture avant début février 2018.

Silverman a annoncé la triste nouvelle sur Twitter, révélant que la distance avait provoqué une rupture dans leur relation. « Le grand @michaelsheen et moi nous sommes consciemment découplés à Noël », a déclaré Silverman, faisant référence à l’infâme déclaration de Gwyneth Paltrow et Chris Martin après la rupture. « Je veux dire, pas » à Noël « – comme si ce n’était pas le combat qui l’a mis fin. Pas de combat. Nous vivons juste dans différents pays et c’est devenu difficile. » Elle a ajouté: « Je pensais que nous devrions simplement vous dire à tous, alors arrêtez de demander: » Comment va Michael / Comment va Sarah? «  »
Eh bien, cela clarifie tout alors, n’est-ce pas?

Daniel Christopher Allison et Monica Potter

Daniel Christopher Allison et Monica PotterGetty Images

Des nouvelles qui Parentalité la star Monica Potter et son mari, le chirurgien orthopédiste Daniel Christopher Allison, ont mis fin à leur mariage diffusé début février. Selon E! Nouvelles, Potter a demandé le divorce d’Allison un mois plus tôt, citant des différences irréconciliables comme cause de leur rupture. Alors que l’actrice a deux fils d’une relation précédente, elle et Allison ne partagent que leur fille Molly Brigid. Ils étaient mariés depuis plus de dix ans.

Potter est « très triste et le cœur brisé », a déclaré une source Gens. « Mais ils se concentrent sur la coparentalité de leur fille. »

Bristol Palin et Dakota Meyer

Bristol Palin et Dakota MeyerInstagram

Les musiciens et les acteurs ne sont pas les seuls à avoir rompu avec leurs proches en 2018. Bristol Palin, star de la télé-réalité et fille de l’ancienne candidate au poste de vice-présidente des États-Unis, Sarah Palin, a fait les gros titres en février pour sa séparation de son mari Dakota Meyer. Bristol et son ex-ex, qui partagent les filles Sailor Grace et Atlee Bay, se sont mariés en 2016 (via Gens).

Selon TMZ, Meyer a demandé le divorce de Bristol fin janvier. À l’époque, Bristol et Meyer auraient cessé de se suivre sur Instagram et ne vivaient plus ensemble dans la même maison.
États-Unis aujourd’hui a noté que Meyer a énuméré « la discorde ou le conflit de personnalités » qui « détruit les fins légitimes de la relation conjugale et empêche toute attente raisonnable de réconciliation » comme raison de sa séparation d’avec Bristol.

Justin Theroux et Jennifer Aniston

Justin Theroux et Jennifer AnistonGetty Images

Justin Theroux et Jennifer Aniston ont brisé le cœur des fans lorsqu’ils ont annoncé leur séparation en février. Après s’être fiancé en août 2012 et avoir noué le nœud trois ans plus tard, le les restes acteur et copains starlette semblait être ensemble pour toujours – ou, à tout le moins, plus que quelques années. Hélas, après un peu plus de deux ans de mariage, le couple a cessé de fumer, a rapporté E! Nouvelles.

Dans une déclaration commune à The Associated Press, Aniston et Theroux ont abordé leur front de front: « Cette décision a été prise mutuellement et avec amour à la fin de l’année dernière. Nous sommes deux meilleurs amis qui ont décidé de se séparer en couple, mais nous nous réjouissons de poursuivre notre chère amitié.  » Aniston et Theroux ont également noté qu’ils étaient « déterminés à maintenir le profond respect et l’amour que nous avons l’un pour l’autre », malgré leur rupture.

Rebecca Gayheart et Eric Dane

Rebecca Gayheart et Eric DaneGetty Images

Rebecca Gayheart et Eric Dane étaient mariés depuis bien plus d’une décennie, mais tout ce qui partageait l’histoire ne pouvait apparemment pas assurer leur avenir. Tel que rapporté par États-Unis aujourd’hui, Gayheart a demandé le divorce L’anatomie de Grey étoile juste deux jours après la Saint-Valentin, citant des différences irréconciliables. Dans une déclaration commune, le couple a annoncé sa séparation: « Après 14 ans passés ensemble, nous avons décidé que la fin de notre mariage était la meilleure décision pour notre famille. »

Gayheart et Dane, qui partagent les filles Billie et Georgia, ont déclaré dans le communiqué: « Nous continuerons notre amitié et travaillerons en équipe pour coparentaler nos deux belles filles car elles sont la chose la plus importante au monde pour nous. vous demander de respecter notre vie privée pendant cette période alors que nous naviguons dans la prochaine phase de notre vie.  »

Duane Martin et Tisha Campbell-Martin

Duane Martin et Tisha Campbell-MartinGetty Images

le Martin L’actrice a pris des mesures pour redevenir une femme légalement célibataire, demandant le divorce de son mari de 20 ans, Duane Martin, en février. Dans une déclaration obtenue par Gens, Tisha Campbell-Martin a déclaré: « Après 27 ans passés ensemble et deux enfants extraordinaires, cela me fait mal d’annoncer que j’ai demandé le divorce. » Elle a ajouté: « C’est un moment émotif et je demande gracieusement la vie privée pour moi, nos enfants et le reste de notre famille. »

Selon les documents judiciaires obtenus par Gens, Campbell-Martin et Martin, qui partagent les fils Xen et Ezekiel, se seraient séparés en décembre 2016. L’actrice a cité des différences irréconciliables comme raison de leur séparation.

Claire Foy et Stephen Campbell Moore

Claire Foy et Stephen Campbell MooreGetty Images

Claire Foy, star de Netflix La Couronne La série, appelée ça s’arrête avec son mari, l’acteur Stephen Campbell Moore, après quatre ans de mariage. « Nous pouvons confirmer que nous nous sommes séparés et que nous l’avons été depuis un certain temps », a révélé la paire dans un communiqué conjoint (via E! Nouvelles). « Nous continuons cependant à être de grands amis avec le plus grand respect l’un pour l’autre. Nous demandons notre intimité pendant cette période. »

Une source a raconté Le soleil que la séparation de Foy et Campbell Moore aurait été un « choc » pour leurs amis, mais, heureusement, les anciennes flammes se seraient engagées à être « civilisées ».
Foy et Campbell Moore partagent un enfant ensemble, leur fille Ivy Rose.

Donald Trump Jr. et Vanessa Trump

Donald Trump Jr. et Vanessa TrumpGetty Images

Le 15 mars 2018, Vanessa Trump a demandé le divorce de son mari Donald Trump Jr. devant la Cour suprême de Manhattan. Le couple a annoncé sa séparation dans un communiqué (via Page six). « Après 12 ans de mariage, nous avons décidé de nous séparer », indique le communiqué. « Nous aurons toujours un immense respect l’un pour l’autre et pour nos familles. Nous avons cinq beaux enfants ensemble et ils restent notre priorité absolue. Nous vous demandons de garder votre intimité pendant cette période. »

Les rumeurs abondent sur les raisons de l’effondrement de leur syndicat, mais certaines sources affirment que le calendrier chargé de Don Jr. – il dirige l’Organisation Trump et aime parcourir le monde à la chasse au gros – a joué un rôle. Vanessa aurait également été mal à l’aise avec la nouvelle attention que sa famille a reçue depuis que son beau-père, le président Donald Trump, a pris ses fonctions en 2017. Comme certains se souviennent, Vanessa a été hospitalisée après qu’elle et Donald Jr. aient reçu une lettre contenant un suspect poudre blanche. La substance a ensuite été déterminée comme étant de la fécule de maïs.

Alicia Silverstone et Christopher Jarecki

Alicia Silverstone et Christopher Jarecki Getty Images

Aucune idée La star Alicia Silverstone a dit qu’elle quittait son mari, le rockeur punk Christopher Jarecki, en février. Dans une déclaration obtenue par E! Nouvelles, Le représentant de Silverstone a confirmé la séparation du couple de célébrités, en disant: « Ils s’aiment et se respectent toujours profondément et restent des amis très proches mais ont mutuellement décidé de se séparer après avoir été ensemble pendant 20 ans. » Le couple envisage de coparrainer leur fils, Bear Blue Jarecki.

Silverstone a commencé à sortir avec le chanteur principal de S.T.U.N. en 1997. Les deux se sont mariés à Lake Tahoe, en Californie en 2005. Silverstone et Jarecki ont ensuite accueilli leur enfant ensemble le 5 mai 2011 (via Divertissement ce soir).
Silverstone, auteur de The Kind Dietet Jaracki ont gardé le silence sur leur rupture, comme cela avait toujours été leur M.O. en ce qui concerne les détails de leur vie privée. Peut-être que Silverstone partagera plus avec le public maintenant qu’elle est célibataire? Ouais, probablement pas …

Kimberly Perry et J.P.Arencibia

Kimberly Perry et J.P.ArencibiaGetty Images

La chanteuse de Band Perry, Kimberly Perry, a annoncé qu’elle et son ancien mari, joueur de baseball professionnel, J.P.Arencibia, se séparaient début mars. Selon Gens, le crooner de musique country a demandé le divorce avec Arencibia à Greeneville, Tennessee, invoquant des différences irréconciliables comme raison de leur séparation. Perry et Arencibia ont commencé à se fréquenter en 2012, et en octobre 2013, il a proposé au chanteur « If I Die Young ». Ils se sont accrochés en juin 2014.

Perry a confirmé plus tard qu’elle et Arencibia étaient en train de rompre. « Oui, c’est vrai, mon mariage a pris fin », a-t-elle partagé sur Instagram dans un article qui a depuis été supprimé. « Je sais que la beauté proviendra de ces cendres et, comme toujours, je tiens à vous remercier tous pour votre amour et votre soutien. Je vous contacterai bientôt. »
Arencibia a également semblé publier sur leur rupture, partage des paroles de la chanson de Bob Marley « Three Little Birds ». L’image se lit comme suit: « Ne vous inquiétez pas pour une chose, car chaque petite chose ira bien. » Dans la légende, il a écrit: « Tout va bien. Mentalité à moitié pleine. »
Nous prendrons cela comme un signe que le mariage de Perry et Arencibia s’est terminé en bonnes conditions.

Jim Belushi et Jennifer Sloan

Jim Belushi et Jennifer SloanGetty Images

Jim Belushi et le professionnel de l’industrie du cinéma Jennifer Sloan ont ajouté leurs noms à la liste des couples de célébrités qui l’ont appelé en 2018. Selon The Blast, Sloan a demandé le divorce à la Cour supérieure de Los Angeles le 5 mars, énumérant les différences irréconciliables, demandant la garde légale conjointe de leurs enfants et demandant une pension alimentaire pour époux.

Dans un geste que nous espérons purement accidentel, les documents de divorce de Sloan ont été déposés à l’occasion du 36e anniversaire de la mort du frère de son mari, l’acteur John Belushi, décédé après avoir subi une surdose de drogue en 1982 alors qu’il n’avait que 33 ans. .
Avant leur séparation, Jim et Sloan étaient ensemble depuis près de 20 ans, s’étant mariés le 2 mai 1998. Ils partagent deux enfants, leur fille Jamison et leur fils Jared. Le divorce de Jim avec Sloan marque la fin de son troisième mariage. Il était auparavant marié à Sandra Davenport de 1980 à 1988, avec qui il partage un fils adulte nommé Robert James Belushi, et à l’actrice Marjorie Bransfield de 1990 à 1992, a rapporté Nous hebdomadaire.

Usher et Grace Miguel

Usher et Grace Miguel Getty Images

Le chanteur de « OMG » et son amour de longue date ont cessé. Usher, dont le nom complet est Usher Raymond IV, et son épouse, la directrice musicale Grace Miguel, ont annoncé leur séparation en mars. « Après mûre réflexion et réflexion, nous avons mutuellement décidé de nous séparer en couple », a déclaré le couple dans un communiqué conjoint obtenu par Nous hebdomadaire. «Nous restons des amis profondément connectés et aimants qui continueront de se soutenir les uns les autres au cours des prochaines phases de notre vie. L’énorme quantité d’amour et de respect que nous avons l’un pour l’autre ne fera qu’augmenter à mesure que nous avancerons.» Une source a raconté Nous hebdomadaire le duo s’était séparé il y a des mois.

Usher et Miguel ont commencé à sortir ensemble en 2009, se sont fiancés en janvier 2015 et se sont enfuis en septembre de la même année.
Avant leur annonce de divorce, Usher et Miguel avaient résisté aux accusations dérangeantes formulées par plusieurs femmes et un homme qui accusaient tous le chanteur de les avoir sciemment exposés à l’herpès. Selon TMZ, Usher a nié toutes les allégations.

Angela Rye et Common

Angela Rye et CommonGetty Images

L’artiste hip-hop Common et la commentatrice politique et activiste CNN Angela Rye ont rompu après une relation amoureuse depuis l’été 2017. Rye a confirmé la scission à Page Six TV, en disant: « Nous avons et serons toujours amis. C’est un être humain incroyable, et je suis une bien meilleure personne parce qu’il fait partie de ma vie. » Elle a ajouté: « Puissions-nous tous continuer à aimer et à vivre. »

Page six a noté que le musicien devenu acteur, dont le vrai nom est Lonnie Rashid Lynn Jr., était apparu en solo à la fois aux Oscars 2018 et à l’événement Toast to the Arts qu’il avait organisé avec l’Agence Ayars avant leur nouvelle de rupture. Selon TMZ, Rye avait reçu des menaces de mort depuis qu’elle avait commencé à sortir avec Common. La division de gestion des menaces du LAPD aurait enquêté sur l’affaire.
Common avait déjà parlé de son affection pour Rye en septembre 2017, notant qu’ils avaient une « connexion définitive ». S’exprimant sur l’émission de radio SiriusXM Bevelations (via E! Nouvelles), il a dit: « C’est une femme merveilleuse. Je vais juste dire que je sors. Je suis heureux en ce moment – et c’est un être humain incroyable. »

De même, Rye n’a eu que de belles choses à dire sur son ancienne flamme. « En rencontrant Common, je suis définitivement devenue un meilleur être humain », a-t-elle déclaré Vanity Fair »et je vous en suis reconnaissant. »

Zayn Malik et Gigi Hadid

Zayn Malik et Gigi Hadid Getty Images

Après avoir fréquenté pendant plus de deux ans, l’ancien chanteur de One Direction Zayn Malik et le mannequin Gigi Hadid ont mis fin à leur romance – du moins pour l’instant. Selon Le soleil, La relation de Malik et Hadid est devenue tendue en raison d ‘ »horaires de travail fous ».

Le 13 mars, Malik a partagé une photo texte sur Twitter, confirmant sa rupture avec Hadid à ses millions de followers sur les réseaux sociaux. « Gigi et moi avons eu une relation incroyablement significative, amoureuse et amusante et j’ai énormément de respect et d’adoration pour Gigi en tant que femme et amie. Elle a une âme tellement incroyable », lit-on dans le post. « Je suis reconnaissant à tous nos fans d’avoir respecté cette décision difficile et notre vie privée en ce moment, nous souhaitons que cette nouvelle vienne de nous en premier. Nous vous aimons tous. »
De même, Hadid a également a partagé les nouvelles avec ses fans. « Les déclarations de rupture semblent souvent impersonnelles car il n’y a vraiment aucun moyen de mettre en mots ce que deux personnes vivent ensemble pendant quelques années … non seulement dans la relation, mais dans la vie en général », écrit-elle. « Je suis éternellement reconnaissant pour l’amour, le temps et les leçons de vie que Z et moi avons partagés. » Hadid a ajouté qu’elle ne voulait « que le meilleur » pour son ex et qu’elle « continuerait à le soutenir en tant qu’ami qui [she has] immense respect et amour pour « .

Amber Rose et 21 Savage

Amber Rose et 21 SavageGetty Images

Le célèbre ex de Kanye West a dit qu’il quittait un autre membre de la scène rap. Une source a raconté Gens magazine qu’Amber Rose et 21 Savage (de son vrai nom Shayaa Bin Abraham-Joseph) ont mis fin à leur relation après avoir fréquenté pendant près de deux ans. « Ils sont définitivement éteints », a révélé l’initié. « Ils ne sont pas ensemble. »

Rose a confirmé la scission lors d’une interview à l’émission de radio Quartier de Big Boy. « Etre dans une relation est difficile, être célèbre et dans une relation est encore plus difficile … et vous finissez par vous disputer sur des choses que vous ne discuteriez pas habituellement en tant que personne normale », a-t-elle déclaré. Rose a ajouté qu’elle était toujours amoureuse de Savage, déclarant: « Je l’aime … il me manque, je pense à lui tous les jours. » Elle a ajouté: « Je ne peux pas dire que je suis célibataire parce que … Mon cœur est toujours avec lui. »
Y a-t-il une chance que Rose et Savage, pour qui elle avait déjà acheté une bague de promesse de 50 000 $, se réconcilient? Selon Rose, c’est possible. Elle a dit Quartier de Big Boy »Avec un peu de chance, nous pourrons y arriver mais si nous ne le pouvons pas – l’amour est toujours là. »

Anderson Cooper et Benjamin Maisani

Anderson Cooper et Benjamin Maisani Getty Images

Le célèbre renard argenté du journalisme est apparemment de retour sur le marché – ou, du moins, il l’a fait pendant une minute chaude. le Courrier quotidien a rapporté qu’Anderson Cooper et son petit ami de longue date, le propriétaire de la discothèque Benjamin Maisani, ont appelé à l’arrêt. Le représentant de l’ancre de CNN a publié une déclaration qui disait: « Benjamin et moi nous sommes séparés en tant que petits amis il y a quelque temps. Nous sommes toujours de la famille et nous nous aimons beaucoup. » Il a ajouté: « Nous restons les meilleurs amis et continuerons de partager une grande partie de notre vie ensemble. » Selon Nous hebdomadaire, Cooper et Maisani datent de neuf ans.

Mais ne vous sentez pas trop mal pour le journaliste car, selon le Courrier quotidien, Cooper a déjà commencé à sortir avec un médecin nommé Victor Lopez. Le couple a peut-être même été ensemble avant la séparation – Lopez a partagé ses publications sur les réseaux sociaux avec Cooper dès décembre 2017.

Jessica Andrea et Logic

Jessica Andrea et LogicGetty Images

Le rappeur Logic et la chanteuse Jessica Andrea ont décidé de mettre fin à leur mariage en mars après deux ans passés ensemble. Selon TMZ, Logic, dont le vrai nom est Sir Robert Bryson Hall II, a déclaré à Andrea qu’il n’était pas aussi marié avec elle que lorsqu’il était célibataire. Aie.

Des sources ont déclaré au chiffon que Logic s’est éloigné d’Andrea après le décollage de sa carrière après la sortie de sa chanson « 1-800-273-8255 » en avril 2017. Andrea aurait été pris au dépourvu par le changement de cœur.
Le couple a confirmé plus tard leur séparation dans une déclaration conjointe. « Après deux ans de mariage, nous en sommes venus à la conclusion amoureuse que nous sommes bien meilleurs en tant qu’amis », indique le communiqué (via Gens). « En tant qu’artistes, nous avons rendu tous les aspects de notre vie publics, mais nous apprécierions votre respect et votre confidentialité sur cette question. »
« C’est très simple: ça n’a pas marché. Il n’y a pas de colère », a expliqué le couple. « Pas de combats, pas de tricherie, rien. Nous nous aimons et continuerons de nous soutenir pour le reste de nos vies. »

Jenny Slate et Chris Evans

Jenny Slate et Chris EvansGetty Images

Dans un profil publié le 22 mars, Le New York Times a annoncé la nouvelle Capitaine Amérique La star Chris Evans et la comédienne Jenny Slate s’étaient séparées … encore. Plus précisément, l’auteur de l’article a noté que « leur relation, encore et encore, aimée par Internet, a récemment pris fin ».

Evans et Slate se sont réunis pour la première fois après avoir joué dans le film de 2017 Doué. Dans une interview de mars 2017 avec Vautour (après leur première rupture), elle a rappelé le début de leur relation. « Je me souviens qu’il m’a dit: ‘Tu vas être l’un de mes amis les plus proches.’ J’étais juste comme, ‘Mec, j’espère f *** ing que ce n’est pas un mensonge, parce que je serai dévasté si ce gars n’est pas mon ami. «  » Elle a noté, « Chris est vraiment l’un des les gens les plus gentils que j’ai jamais rencontrés, au point que parfois je le regardais et ça me brisait le cœur.  »
Evans a également jailli sur son ex-petite amie dans le passé, l’appelant son «humain préféré». Il a dit Gens en mars 2017, « Elle est si vulnérable, si honnête, si intéressée par les autres que par elle-même, elle est incroyablement compatissante, il n’y a rien à ne pas aimer d’elle. »

Après avoir échangé des messages drôles via Twitter en octobre 2017, la paire semble s’être reconstituée en novembre de la même année. Nous espérons que ce couple de célébrités se réconciliera à l’avenir. Cela semble tout à fait possible – après tout, ils l’ont déjà fait une fois!

Alessandra Ambrosio et Jamie Mazur

Alessandra Ambrosio et Jamie Mazur Getty Images

La nouvelle que l’ange secrète de Victoria, Alessandra Ambrosio, et son beau-père de longue date, l’homme d’affaires Jamie Mazur, ont mis fin à leur relation après une rupture de dix ans en mars. Une source a raconté Nous hebdomadaire à l’époque, « Ils [have] essayait de garder leur séparation à un niveau bas, mais Alessandra était prête à se mêler et n’a emmené Jamie à rien.  »

Comme indiqué par le magazine, Ambrosio et Mazur n’avaient pas été repérés ensemble en public depuis un certain temps avant que leur rupture ne fasse la une des journaux. Ils n’avaient pas non plus publié de photos les uns des autres sur les réseaux sociaux depuis Noël 2017.
Ambrosio avait déjà parlé de ses fiançailles avec Mazur pour Cosmopolite en 2016. « À un moment donné, je me marierai, mais ce n’est pas en haut de ma liste », a-t-elle déclaré (via Courrier quotidien). « Si je suis fiancé avec lui depuis huit ans, alors ce n’est pas ma priorité. J’ai beaucoup de choses qui se passent et je ne me suis pas marié parce que je suis tellement occupé. »
L’ancien couple partage deux enfants, sa fille Anja Louise et son fils Noah Phoenix.

Tiffany Trump et Ross mécanicien

Tiffany Trump et Ross mécanicienGetty Images

La plus jeune fille du président des États-Unis, Tiffany Trump, s’est séparée de son petit ami, Ross Mechanic, en 2017. La rupture aurait coïncidé avec ses efforts à la Georgetown Law School, mais la nouvelle de leur disparition n’a pas été rendue publique avant le l’année suivante.

Bien que le couple aurait été « très heureux » ensemble l’été précédent, Trump et Mechanic ont peut-être connu des tensions alors qu’elle s’inquiétait de déménager de New York à Washington, D.C. pour l’école, selon Gens magazine. Une source a raconté Nous hebdomadaire que la rupture de la paire était « cordiale », notant que Trump « prend la faculté de droit au sérieux ».
Trump et Mechanic se sont rencontrés alors qu’ils étaient tous deux étudiants de premier cycle à l’Université de Pennsylvanie. Selon leurs publications précédentes sur Instagram, les amoureux de l’université semblent avoir commencé à se fréquenter dès octobre 2015 (via Lourd).
Le mécanicien a apparemment évolué. le Courrier quotidien a rapporté qu’il avait posté une photo de lui embrassant une brune sur son histoire Instagram.

Danny Amendola et Olivia Culpo

Olivia Culpo et Danny Amendola Getty Images

La star de la NFL et ancienne gagnante du concours Miss Univers – elle a décroché la couronne en 2012 – s’est rendue à Splitsville en 2018. Une source a déclaré Nous hebdomadaire en mars, Olivia Culpo et Danny Amendola avaient « définitivement rompu », expliquant que la distance était à blâmer pour la séparation (Amendola a été signé avec les Dolphins de Miami le même mois.) L’initié a également noté qu’Amendola aurait été mécontent de Culpo après qu’elle posé nu pour un Maillot de bain illustré de sport problème.

Culpo a confirmé plus tard la dissolution de Accéder à Hollywood (via Nous hebdomadaire): « Nous sommes séparés et c’est tellement frais pour moi. Je ne me sens pas à l’aise d’en parler. » Elle a ajouté: « Tout le monde passe par des ruptures dans la vie. Tout le monde a sa propre façon de le gérer et c’est quelque chose que je ne vais certainement pas aborder en ce moment. Mais je suis sûr que tout le monde peut comprendre le chagrin. »
Les deux hommes ont commencé à se fréquenter en 2016 après s’être rencontrés en Californie – en particulier « au coin d’Hollywood et de Vine », comme l’a dit Amendola au Journal Providence.

Chrissy Metz et Josh Stancil

Chrissy Metz et Josh Stancil Getty Images

C’est nous la star Chrissy Metz et son petit ami de l’appareil photo Josh Stancil ont mis fin à leur relation au cours de l’année 2018. L’actrice a révélé qu’ils avaient rompu lors d’une apparition sur Le spectacle de Wendy Williams fin mars. Lorsqu’on lui a demandé par l’hôte Wendy Williams si elle et Stancil étaient toujours ensemble, Metz a répondu: « Je sors avec moi actuellement. »

Heureusement, travailler sur le C’est nous ensemble, où Stancil a également travaillé, n’a pas été trop gênant parce qu’il « est passé à un autre spectacle » avant la séparation des deux. phew!
Et il semble que Metz et Stancil aient laissé les choses sur une bonne note. Metz a dit à Williams qu’ils étaient « toujours amis », ce qui était clairement quelque chose qui comptait beaucoup pour elle. « Je suis toujours ami avec des gens avec qui j’étais auparavant, ce qui est important pour moi, tu sais? » dit-elle. « Parce que vous vous souciez de la personne. Vous ne vous contentez pas de la jeter. »

Ruby Rose et Jess Origliasso

Ruby Rose et Jess OrigliassoGetty Images

Orange est le nouveau noir la star Ruby Rose, qui a joué Stella Carlin dans l’émission à succès Netflix, et Jess Origliasso du duo pop The Veronicas ont mis fin à leur relation, bien que la date exacte de leur rupture ne soit pas claire.

Le 1er avril, Rose a pris Twitter pour partager qu’elle et Origliasso, qui sont apparus ensemble dans le clip des Veronicas pour « On Your Side », s’étaient séparés des mois plus tôt. « J’ai partagé les deux dernières années à apprendre et à partager ma vie avec un être humain incroyable. Une expérience pour laquelle je suis très bénie », a-t-elle écrit dans un message texte. « Les ruptures sont toujours difficiles pour les personnes impliquées, mais je ne peux qu’être reconnaissant pour les expériences que nous avons partagées. »
Après que les fans aient apparemment pensé que son annonce était une blague du poisson d’avril, Rose clarifié qu’elle « n’utiliserait jamais quelque chose d’aussi personnel » dans le cadre d’une farce publique.
Selon Panneau d’affichage, Origliasso n’a pas commenté sa rupture avec Rose à l’époque, mais elle a supprimé toutes les photos de son ex sur Instagram et n’a pas suivi Rose sur toutes les plateformes de médias sociaux.

Channing Tatum et Jenna Dewan Tatum

Channing Tatum et Jenna Dewan TatumGetty Images

Les fans étaient au cœur brisé lorsque l’ancien Intensifier co-stars – et, à un moment donné, le total des buts du couple – Channing Tatum et Jenna Dewan Tatum ont annoncé qu’elles arrêtaient de quitter après presque neuf ans ensemble. Les deux ont partagé la nouvelle dans une déclaration commune sur leurs comptes Instagram le 2 avril.

« Nous avons choisi avec amour de nous séparer en couple. Nous sommes tombés profondément amoureux il y a tant d’années et avons fait un voyage magique ensemble. Absolument rien n’a changé dans notre amour, mais l’amour est une belle aventure qui nous emmène sur des chemins différents pour le moment « , indique la déclaration. « Il n’y a pas de secrets ni d’événements salaces à la base de notre décision – juste deux meilleurs amis réalisant qu’il est temps de prendre de la place et de s’entraider à vivre la vie la plus joyeuse et la plus épanouie possible. »
Une source a raconté Gens magazine that Channing and Jenna, who share daughter Everly, were « incredibly sad. » The insider said the pair « fell out of love, and it was a tough realization to come to. »

Eliza Coupe and Darin Olien

Eliza Coupe and Darin Olien Instagram

Happy Endings star Eliza Coupe’s husband, Darin Olien, filed for divorce from the actress on April 2. According to court docs obtained by TMZ, Olien listed the pair’s separation date as March 27.
As noted by Nous hebdomadaire, Coupe appeared to address her recent split just hours before the divorce filing, posting and later deleting a quote by Jackson Kiddard on Instagram: « Anything that annoys you is teaching you patience. Anyone who abandons you is teaching you how to stand up on your own two feet. Anything that angers you is teaching you forgiveness and compassion. »

Coupe and Olien had been married for almost four years after getting hitched on Christmas Eve while in New Zealand in 2014.
Coupe’s divorce from Olien marks her second failed marriage. She wed acting coach Randall Whittinghill in 2007 and ended that relationship in 2013.

Judith and Rudy Giuliani

Rudy and Judith Giuliani Getty Images

Former mayor of New York City Rudy Giuliani and his wife, Judith Giuliani, ended their relationship after 15 years of marriage. Rudy confirmed the split to Page six in early April, stating, « It is with great sadness I can confirm that Judith and I are divorcing. We hope to do this as amicably as possible, and hope that people will respect the privacy of our children at this time. »

Page six noted that Judith had at that time already filed for a contested divorce proceeding, likely meaning that she is preparing to fight over their assets. Rudy, who was previously accused of cheating on his second wife with Judith, added, « In these divorce situations, you cannot place blame, it is 50/50, there are problems on both sides. We will have to divide our properties in New York and Palm Beach. »
Rudy and Judith both have children from previous relationships but do not share any together.

Ruth Negga and Dominic Cooper

Ruth Negga and Dominic CooperGetty Images

Ruth Negga and Dominic Cooper broke up after eight long years together. A source told Page six that the two Hollywood stars’ relationship naturally came to an end and that the pair remains friends. Negga and Cooper —who’ve appeared together in a number of projects, including the AMC series Preacher — began dating in 2010. They met a year earlier while working on the play Phèdre for London’s National Theatre (via Gens).

Negga previously opened up about her relationship with Cooper in an interview with The Edit (via le Courrier quotidien) in July 2017. « It would be so lonely if he wasn’t there, » she said, referring to life on the set of Preacher. « People say, ‘Never go out with an actor.’ But if you were with someone with a normal job, and one of you had to go away, how would that work? »

Kendra Wilkinson and Hank Baskett

Kendra Wilkinson and Hank BaskettGetty Images

L’ancien Girls Next Door star and her NFL pro husband of nearly nine years announced their split after much speculation that they were heading toward divorce. Taking to Instagram on April 6, Kendra Wilkinson confirmed that she was separating from Hank Baskett, with whom she shares son Hank IV and daughter Alijah.

« Today is the last day of my marriage to this beautiful man. I will forever love Hank and be open but for now we have chosen to go our own ways, » she posted on Instagram, sharing a photo of herself with Baskett. « I’m beyond sad and heartbroken because i did believe in forever, that’s why i said yes but unfortunately too much fear has gotten in the way. »
In late March, Wilkinson shared cryptic social media posts, telling her fans that « life isn’t making any sense to me right now » and « I need to love myself again » (via E! News). A source told Nous hebdomadaire around that time that Wilkinson and Baskett had been fighting a lot.

David Charvet and Brooke Burke

David Charvet and Brooke BurkeGetty Images

Brooke Burke filed for divorce from her husband, David Charvet, in early April, reported TMZ. The TV personality and the former Baywatch star had been married for nearly seven years, after tying the knot in St. Barts in 2011. The pair started dating in 2005 and got engaged in 2006.

In court documents, Burke listed her date of separation from Charvet as Jan. 23, 2018, and noted irreconcilable differences as cause for the breakup. She requested joint legal and physical custody of their children, son Shaya and daughter Rain.
Parler avec Gens magazine, Burke called her split from Charvet « necessary. » She added, « We have a long history. It’s just hard to make a decision for the right reasons. You know what I mean? With no drama, with no scandal, with nothing crazy that is going to show up. »
She also noted, « Sometimes it’s hard, [even] as a woman to define boundaries, to embrace change, and to know when to make a move. »

Jonathan Scott and Jacinta Kuznetsov

Jonathan Scott and Jacinta KuznetsovInstagram

Property Brothers star Jonathan Scott shared that he and longtime girlfriend Jacinta Kuznetsov ended their relationship in early April. Posting a photo of himself with Kuznetsov alongside two baby elephants, Scott revealed on Instagram that they’d gone their separate ways. Fortunately, it sounds like the breakup was amicable.

« When I met Jacinta in the fall of 2015, I met somebody kind and courageous and a champion for human/animal rights. We grew to respect each other fiercely and know that will remain unchanged for the rest of our lives, » Scott began. « Sometimes life takes you on unexpected paths and those paths aren’t always in the same direction. There’s no drama or negativity; no jealousy or hate. Not even sadness or sorrow. » He added, « Our memories are filled with joy and we will continue to advocate for each other as friends wherever we go. »
Kuznetsov, who met Scott in 2015, also addressed the split, taking to social media to say that she was « so proud of who [Scott] is and the love [they] gave each other » (via Gens).

If only all breakups could be that cordial.

David Abrams and Jennie Garth

Jennie Garth and David AbramsTwitter

Jennie Garth’s husband, Dave Abrams, filed for divorce from the Beverly Hills, 90210 étoile. Selon The Blast, Abrams listed irreconcilable differences as the reason for their breakup and noted that they separated on Aug. 29, 2017. The two met on a blind date in 2014 before getting married just one year later. They share no children together.

Garth and Abrams were thought to be trying to keep their relationship afloat back in November 2017, with a source telling E! News that the couple was « still trying to make it work, but they haven’t been living together. » The insider added, « They love each other, but like every marriage, it takes work. Jennie is taking the time to focus on her girls and herself. »
Their breakup marks the end of Garth’s third marriage. She previously married musician Daniel Clark in 1994 and later wed actor Peter Facinelli in 2001. She and Facinelli shares three kids.

Anderson East and Miranda Lambert

Miranda Lambert and Anderson EastGetty Images

Country music crooner Miranda Lambert and her boyfriend of two years, R&B artist Anderson East, are no more, according to a report by Nous hebdomadaire. A source told the magazine, « They have spent a lot of time apart, but potentially could end up back together. The love is still there. »

Lambert, who was previously married to singer and La voix coach Blake Shelton, sparked rumors that she and East had broken up during a concert in Knoxville, Tenn. « I make it my mission every single time I step on the stage that no matter what, no matter where I am, I want to make you feel everything you could possibly feel. I want you to feel sad, mad, happy and nostalgic and really pissed sometimes. That’s my favorite, » she told the crown, as reported by Knox News. « And part of feelings is also heartbreak unfortunately, but fortunately for me, I can use it for my art or whatever. I like to write sad songs. I like to listen to sad songs, so I want to sing y’all one. » Lambert then performed her song « Tin Man, » which she wrote when she felt « pretty empty » and lonely (via iHeartRadio).

John Cena and Nikki Bella

John Cena and Nikki BellaGetty Images

One of Hollywood’s biggest celeb couples, John Cena and Nikki Bella, called off their engagement — and their six-year relationship — in April 2018.
« While this decision was a difficult one, we continue to have a great deal of love and respect for one another, » the wrestling pros said in a statement obtained by Nous hebdomadaire. « We ask that you respect our privacy during this time in our lives. »

A source told Gens that Cena started getting cold feet as his wedding to Bella approached. « She never gave him an ultimatum. He talked a really good game about having changed, about having his priorities straight, about knowing what’s important, and that it was her. But as the day got closer, it was like he just went back to who he’s always been — which is someone who puts himself first, always, » the insider said. « He’s an incredibly dedicated, driven, ambitious guy. And for the longest time he said he didn’t think he had room in his life for a spouse or kids. It seems like in the end that was still the truth. »
The same source also shared that Bella was « heartbroken. »

Dan Reynolds and Aja Volkman

Dan Reynolds and Aja VolkmanGetty Images

On April 26, 2018, Imagine Dragons lead singer Dan Reynolds announced that he and his wife, singer-songwriter Aja Volkman, have decided to go their separate ways. Taking to Twitter to share the news, the « Radioactive » artist a écrit, « After 7 beautiful years together, Aja and I’s marriage has come to an end. Our children continue to be the most important thing in our lives, & we will continue to co-parent them with all our love. » Volkman and Reynolds share three kids: daughter Arrow and twin girls Coco and Gia.

Following Reynolds’ announcement, Volkman released her own statement regarding the end of her marriage. Noting that she’d been « hesitant » to address her split publicly, she said, in part, « I am grateful for all the abundance I have experienced in my life with Dan. I am grateful that long ago we met in a casino when our dreams were big and full of optimism. Life doesn’t always go as planned, but to live is a blessing. And as they always say, it’s better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all. »

Paulina Porizkova and Ric Ocasek

Paulina Porizkova and Ric OcasekGetty Images

Model Paulina Porizkova told her fans in early May that she and her husband, The Cars frontman Ric Ocasek, had separated a year earlier. Using an unusual — albeit thematically relevant — metaphor, she stated, « Our family always has been — and still is — a well-built car. When the four of us are together, we can go wherever the road takes us. But as a bicycle, my husband and I no longer pedal in unison. So, we’re ditching the bicycle. »

Noting that she and Ocasek still share a love « so wide and deep it’s practically tangible, » the former Le prochain top modèle américain judge told fans that they could expect to see more « happy family photos » in the future, even if she and Ocasek are no longer together romantically.
Porizkova and Ocasek met in 1984 while filming the music video for The Cars’ song « Drive. » The pair, who share two adult sons, wed in August 1989.

Colton Haynes and Jeff Leatham

Colton Haynes and Jeff LeathamGetty Images

Despite a fairy tale engagement, Colton Haynes and Jeff Leatham called it quits on their marriage after less than seven months. le La Flèche star filed for divorce in May, and according to court documents obtained by TMZ, Haynes listed irreconcilable differences as the reason for their split and asked the court to deny requests for support from both parties.

Rumors that Haynes and Leatham were heading toward a breakup had been circulating online ever since Haynes deleted photos of his husband on Instagram and released an acoustic song called « Man It Sucks, » which references « cheating drama » (via Nous hebdomadaire). However, Haynes tried to shut down the gossip when he tweeted, « Jeff would never cheat. He’s an amazing man. Please stop being mean to him. The song I wrote was about a past relationship. »
A source later shed some light on the couple’s split to Nous hebdomadaire, claiming, « Since Colton stopped talking to a lot of his old friends, he was getting really depressed and didn’t feel like himself. »

Reza Jarrahy and Geena Davis

Reza Jarrahy and Geena Davis Getty Images

Thelma & Louise star Geena Davis and her husband, Reza Jarrahy, ended their romance after 17 years of marriage. Selon TMZ, Jarrahy filed for divorce from the actress, listing irreconcilable differences as the cause for their split. In the court docs, Jarrahy, who used the names « Rob Doe » and « Veronica Doe » in the divorce papers, reportedly noted that he and Davis had separated in November 2017. The neurosurgeon is requesting spousal support and joint legal and physical custody of their children, daughter Alizeh and twin sons Kalis and Kian, reported Nous hebdomadaire.

Davis’ breakup with Jarrahy, who is 15 years her junior, marks her fourth failed marriage, as well as her longest relationship. She was previously married to restaurateur Richard Emmolo from 1982 to 1983, to actor Jeff Goldblum from 1987 to 1990, and to director Renny Harlin from 1993 to 1998. She married Jarrahy in 2001.

Mac Miller and Ariana Grande

Mac Miller and Ariana GrandeGetty Images

Pop star Ariana Grande and rapper Mac Miller (real name Malcolm McCormick) ended their romance after about two years of dating. TMZ reported busy work schedules were to blame, and sources claim the stars still « love each other dearly. »

Grande seemed to prove those sources right when she took to Instagram to share a photo of herself with her arms wrapped around Miller and a heartfelt message about their breakup. L’appeler « l’un des [her] best friends in the whole world and favorite people on the planet, » she added, « I respect him and adore him endlessly and am grateful to have him in my life in any form, at all times regardless of how our relationship changes or what the universe holds for each of us. »
Miller supported Grande following the tragedy at her concert in Manchester, England
Grande, whom Miller had supported following the tragic attack at her concert in Manchester, England in 2017. « Unconditional love is not selfish. » Grande said in her social media post. « It is wanting the best for that person even if at the moment, it’s not you. » Considering their obvious love for one another, let’s hope that this is one celeb couple that reunites soon!

Jack and Lisa Osbourne

Jack and Lisa OsbourneGetty Images

Celeb couple Jack and Lisa Osbourne called it quits on their marriage just months after the pair welcomed their third child, daughter Minnie Theodora. Selon The Blast, Lisa filed for divorce in May, citing irreconcilable differences as the reason for their breakup. Court docs listed their date of separation as May 4, 2018.

Jack and Lisa later took to social media to share a joint statement regarding their impending divorce. Noting that they still loved one another, they wrote, « Our family is the most important thing in our lives, and we tried everything we could for many years to make this work. » The message continued, « What’s best for our family right now is that we separate lovingly, and remain best friends who are committed to raising our children together. »
The two wed in 2012. In addition to baby Minnie, they share daughters Pearl Clementine and Andy Rose.

Pete Davidson and Cazzie David

Pete Davidson and Cazzie David Getty Images

Saturday Night Live star Pete Davidson revealed that he’d split from Cazzie David, comedy icon Larry David’s daughter, in a May interview with Ouvert tard avec Peter Rosenberg. « We’re not together anymore, » the funnyman responded when asked about his romance with Cazzie. « Very talented girl, she’ll be great and she’ll be fine. … Yeah, I think she’ll be okay. » Davidson and Cazzie dated for two years, during which time the comedian had gotten sober for the first time in 8 years.

Not long after their breakup made headlines, Davidson’s new relationship with pop star Ariana Grande was revealed, and soon after, Davidson and Grande were reportedly engaged. Seemingly in response to the news, Cazzie took to Instagram to share a photo of herself with the caption: « Been in Africa, what’d I miss?? » She later shared a photo of herself holding a wine glass with the caption, « Came to wine country a person, leaving a human bottle of wine. »
Hey — at least she has a sense of humor about her ex’s blossoming love life.

Ronnie Ortiz-Magro and Jen Harley

Ronnie Ortiz-Magro and Jen HarleyInstagram

Jersey Shore’s Ronnie Ortiz-Magro and Jen Harley, the mother of his child, ended their relationship just seven weeks after welcoming daughter Ariana Sky into the world. « They tried to make it work, but they just set each other off and fight constantly, » a source told Gens. « It’s better they are apart and they are slowly realizing that. It will be better for their daughter in the end. »

Ortiz-Magro and Harley had a nasty fight via social media a few weeks earlier. He claimed she kept a video of herself getting, ahem, intimate with an ex. « Note to self, can’t turn a natural born H*E, into a HOUSEWIFE, if you find them in the gutter then leave them in the gutter, » he said on his Instagram Stories at the time (via Nous hebdomadaire).
Oh mec. Let’s hope these two can just focus on co-parenting their child.

Emma Watson and Chord Overstreet

Emma Watson and Chord Overstreet Getty Images

Harry Potter star Emma Watson and Glee actor Chord Overstreet had a blink-and-you’ll-miss-it romance in 2018. News broke in March that they’d been dating for two months, reported Nous hebdomadaire. An insider told the magazine that dating Watson was a « huge and positive change » for Overstreet, but the couple broke up after only four months together.

« It was never going to be a long-term thing, » a source told Gens. It’s too bad we never got to learn much about Watson and Overstreet’s romance, but, then again, we shouldn’t have expected to. le La belle et la Bête actress has been very clear over the years that she never plans to publicly speak about her relationships. « I want to be consistent: I can’t talk about my boyfriend in an interview and then expect people not to take paparazzi pictures of me walking around outside my home, » she told Vanity Fair. « You can’t have it both ways. »

Jillian Michaels and Heidi Rhoades

Jillian Michaels and Heidi RhoadesGetty Images

Jillian Michaels and Heidi Rhoades are no more. In mid-June, the former Biggest Loser trainer announced that she and Rhoades had ended their engagement. « Heidi and I have been split for a while now. We’ve found we’re better friends and parents living apart than staying together, » Michaels shared in a text post on Instagram. « Life and people change but our love for one another and commitment to raising our two kids as an inseparable team remains. »

Michaels and Rhoades previously revealed that they were engaged during the season finale of Michaels’ reality TV show, Just Jillian, in March 2016 (via E! News). Getting down on one knee, Michaels asked Rhoades to marry her, saying, « I know I’m an a**hole all the time, but if you’ll continue to put up with me, I would like you to marry me. »
They have two children together: 8-year-old daughter Lukensia, whom Michaels adopted in 2012, and 6-year-old son Phoenix, whom Rhoades gave birth to around the same time (via Gens).

Blac Chyna and YBN Almighty Jay

Blac Chyna and YBN Almighty JayGetty Images, YouTube

Blac Chyna and YBN Almighty Jay — you know, that 18-year-old rapper she was dating — have reportedly ended their relationship. Their split must not have been that big of a deal to the two because had it not been for a message Jay shared to his Instagram Stories, we might not have even known they’d called it quits on their controversial romance. « @blacchyna and I are no longer together, » Jay (eal name is Jay Bradley) posted in June 2018 (via Gens).

Their split came two months after Jay appeared to propose to Chyna, who is 12 years his senior, on Twitter. At the time, he captioned a photo of Chyna with, « Will You Marry Me? » Given that Chyna and Jay never officially announced an engagement, we’re assuming that proposal was just some playful affection from Jay.
Though details about the pair’s separation have remained under wraps, it certainly looks like the two had a cleaner breakup than Chyna did with ex-fiancé Rob Kardashian, father to her daughter Dream. That’s something we can all appreciate.

Alexis and Jim Bellino

Alexis and Jim BellinoGetty Images

Les vraies femmes au foyer du comté d’Orange stars Alexis and Jim Bellino filed for divorce in June 2018, reported TMZ. According to court docs obtained by the gossip rag, Jim listed irreconcilable differences as the cause for their split and marked « TBD » for their date of separation. He also requested joint physical and legal custody of their three children, son James and twin daughters Melania and Mackenna.

Alexis and Jim confirmed their breakup a week later, shedding some light on why they separated after 13 years of marriage. « It is with heavy hearts that we inform the public of our mutual decision to end our marriage — but it’s important to us that you know we made this choice together, with love, and as the best decision for our children’s future, » their statement to Gens magazine read, in part. « Outside of the news of our decision to part ways, there is nothing provocative, alluring, or sordid about the dissolution of our marriage. Quite to the contrary, we strongly support each other just as we have since the beginning of our relationship. »
Apparently, this reality TV couple had simply grown apart.

Derek Peth and Taylor Nolan

Derek Peth and Taylor NolanInstagram

These two Bachelor in Paradise stars are single yet again. « It is with much sadness that we have decided to end our engagement, » Derek Peth and Taylor Nolan announced in a statement to E! News on June 26, 2018. « We put everything we could into our relationship and are heartbroken to go forward separately, but we know this is the best decision for the both of us. » They added that they will still « be present in each other’s lives with support, admiration and respect for each other. »

After growing close on the fourth season of Bachelor in Paradise, Peth proposed to Nolan in August 2017. Despite their apparent love for one another — le Bachelier host Chris Harrison said their engagement was « one of the sweetest, rawest moments » he’d seen — these two obviously just couldn’t make their relationship work. Selon E! News, distance may have contributed to their separation — Peth lives in New York City, while Nolan calls Seattle home.

Daniel Franzese and Joseph Bradley Phillips

Daniel Franzese and Joseph Bradley PhillipsGetty Images

Daniel Franzese, who memorably starred as Damian in 2004’s Mean Girls, has broke up with his fiancé. « Sometimes shooting stars shine so brightly that they burn out and now we must go separate ways but I hope my path always crosses with his, » Franzese revealed in a text post on his Instagram page in late June 2018. « Joseph Bradley Phillips and I have decided to part ways, break our engagement promise and continue on into the future as friends. »

Franzese said their love for one another had caused them to ignore « things that were important to [their] individual personal growth. »
The actor had asked Phillips to marry him in 2016 at the Starbucks in North Hollywood where they’d first met. Fortunately, despite the heartache he’s surely suffered, Franzese has a lot to keep him busy. Selon The Huffington Post, les Yass! You’re Amazing! comedy tour will keep him busy in 2018.

Christian Siriano and Brad Walsh

Christian Siriano and Brad WalshGetty Images

Fashion designer Christian Siriano and his music producer husband, Brad Walsh, split up in 2018. Taking to his Instagram Stories in late June, Walsh announced that he and Siriano had separated roughly a month earlier. « I was contacted by a writer for a website who somehow found out, so rather than let them break it, I’m telling you myself, » Walsh said (via E! News). « It’s nobody’s business and I don’t want to discuss, but that’s what’s up. »

A rep for Siriano confirmed the breakup news, noting that Siriano and Walsh had been together for 11 years. The celeb couple reportedly started dating in 2007 — just one year before Siriano found fame and success as the winner of Project Runway. They wed in July 2016.

Sam Smith and Brandon Flynn

Sam Smith and Brandon FlynnGetty Images

Sam Smith and his boyfriend, 13 raisons pour lesquelles actor Brandon Flynn, reportedly called it quits on their romance in June 2018, just nine months after the pair supposedly started dating. Tel que rapporté par Le soleil (via Page six), Smith deleted a number of photos of the two together from his Instagram account — a surefire way to reveal that there’s trouble in paradise. Selon Gens magazine, both Smith and Flynn have unfollowed each other on the social media platform.

A source close to Smith told Le soleil that the « Too Good at Goodbyes » singer and the Netflix series were just too busy for one another. « Sam and Brandon had a real whirlwind romance. They really fell for each other. But they are both so busy with their careers and unfortunately things just haven’t worked out, » the insider alleged. « Sam is obviously devastated. This is the most significant relationship he has ever had. Thankfully he is on tour across the US at the moment which has been a welcome distraction. »

Cheryl Cole and Liam Payne

Cheryl Cole and Liam PayneGetty Images

Liam Payne and Cheryl Cole, who’s now going by Cheryl Tweedy, shocked fans when they announced their split on July 1, 2018. « Cheryl and I are sad to announce that we are going our separate ways, » Payne tweeté, just one night after Tweedy’s 35th birthday. « It’s been a tough decision for us to make. We still have so much love for each other as a family. » Tweedy partagé a near-identical message on her own Twitter page.

While their breakup came as a surprise to many, some observant followers may have sensed that something was amiss in the couple’s relationship. Le soleil reported that Tweedy was often left with their son, Bear, for weeks at a time as Payne pursued his solo music career. Their 10-year age difference was also said to have caused problems in their romance. A source told the paper, « There’s a big age gap between them. If they didn’t have Bear then they would have most likely split up by now. » We guess their love for one another and for baby Bear just wasn’t enough anymore.

Halsey and G-Eazy

Halsey and G-EazyGetty Images

Halsey and G-Eazy have broken up after one year of dating. Halsey revealed the split on her Instagram Stories on July 3, 2018. « I normally keep this kind of thing private but provided our public nature I feel I need to inform my fans, » the singer said (via E! News). « G-Eazy and I are taking some apart. » She added that she was « eager » to focus on her tour, her art, and her career and wants « the best » for her ex.

Fans had been wondering if these two were headed toward Splitsville. Halsey had previously posted a photo of herself with her dog, captioning it, « Kiss my dog on the forehead and then kiss ur a** goodbye, » a reference to Drake’s song « 8 out of 10. » Fans had also noticed that Halsey had deleted photos of herself with G-Eazy from her Instagram account.
Following the breakup from G-Eazy, Halsey started crying while performing « Sorry » on stage at the Common Ground Music Festival, pausing for a moment to collect herself and wipe her tears away. Could she be taking the split extra hard because G-Eazy may have cheated on her? While we can’t know for sure, there is speculation in the Halsey fan community that G-Eazy was unfaithful during their relationship (via Cosmopolite). One piece of so-called evidence? After announcing her new single status, Halsey tweeté, « pumpkin eater » — as in the common rhyme « cheater, cheater, pumpkin eater, » perhaps?

Nia Vardalos and Ian Gomez

Nia Vardalos and Ian GomezGetty Images

My Big Fat Greek Wedding star Nia Vardalos and Cougar Town actor Ian Gomez have ended their relationship after more than 23 years of marriage. Selon E! News, Vardalos filed for divorce from her husband in early July, listing their date of separation as June 29, 2017, and the reason for their split as irreconcilable differences. Noting that they’d been separated for a while, the couple shared in a statement: « Our relationship became a friendship so the decision to end the marriage is completely mutual and amicable. »

Vardalos has asked for joint physical and legal custody of their daughter, Ilaria, whom they adopted in 2008. Days later, Gomez filed his response to his wife’s request, echoing much of Vardalos’ court docs and requesting that spousal support « be determined in mediation. »

Lucy Hale and Riley Smith

Lucy Hale and Riley SmithGetty Images

Lucy Hale and Riley Smith have broken things off. L’ancien Life Sentence co-stars ended their romance just a short time after their CW series’ cancelation was announced in May 2018, according to Divertissement ce soir. A source told the celeb news site that « both have moved on. » En réalité, Divertissement ce soir reported that Smith is moving to Chicago to film a new TV series called Proven Innocent and has a record coming out in the near future.

Hale and Smith were first linked romantically in February 2018, after they were spotted celebrating Valentine’s Day together. They were later seen vacationing in Hawaii in May, and they both attended an event in Los Angeles on June 12, though the two did not pose for photos together at the time (via Gens). Neither celeb has commented on the breakup news.
Hale may have already rebounded with The Lying Game’s Ryan Rottman. E! News caught the two holding hands after making a Starbucks run together in early July.

Brooklyn Beckham and Chloë Grace Moretz

Brooklyn Beckham and Chloë Grace Moretz Getty Images

If I Stay actress Chloë Grace Moretz and Brooklyn Beckham — son of Spice Girl Victoria Beckham and soccer star David Beckham — called it quits on their relationship in April 2018, and the breakup wasn’t pretty. While we don’t know for sure what caused these two to split, rumor has it Brooklyn may have cheated on his lady.

For starters, he was photographed kissing model Lexi Wood while he and Moretz were thought to still be dating. After those photos made the rounds online, Moretz posted to her Instagram Story (via W magazine), sharing a screenshot of a Cardi B’s « Be Careful. » On the track, the rapper warns a lover about the consequences of being unfaithful. Moretz also reportedly liked a fan’s meme of her giving the middle finger with the caption, « Greetings to Brooklyn Beckham from me motherf***er. » Oui.
So, it definitely doesn’t look like this couple ended things on a good note, though these two have made up before, so who knows what’s in store for them.

Jamie Rubin and Christiane Amanpour

Jamie Rubin and Christiane AmanpourGetty Images

CNN’s Christiane Amanpour and her husband, former U.S. State Department spokesperson Jamie Rubin, decided to end their marriage after 20 years together. Selon The Washington Post, Amanpour and Rubin’s divorce was amicable, and the now-former lovers, who share a teenage son, Darius, have reportedly remained close. They even attended their child’s graduation ceremony together at an English all-boys boarding school after news of their divorce broke, reported the Courrier quotidien.

Amanpour and Rubin tied the knot with two ceremonies (one Catholic and one Jewish) in Rome, Italy in 1998. They had hit it off 15 months earlier after enjoying « late-night margaritas » in Sarajevo, Bosnia, where Amanpour had been on assignment and where Rubin had been traveling with former U.S. Secretary of State Madeleine K. Albright (via The Washington Post).

Lorenza Izzo and Eli Roth

Lorenza Izzo and Eli RothGetty Images

On July 16, 2018, director Eli Roth and his wife, actress Lorenza Izzo, announced they were ending their marriage. Sharing a photo on social media of them working together on the set of the 2013 horror film The Green Inferno, which Roth directed and Izzo starred in, they stated in both English and Spanish: « It is with deep love and respect that we are choosing to separate as a couple. »

« We’ve had an incredible journey together, we love each other very much, and will remain the best of friends. We are grateful for the six wonderful years together but have decided to go our separate ways to have the most fulfilled, joyous lives we can, » they said. Roth and Izzo added that they’d like to keep working together in a professional capacity and hope divorcing will help them not to « f**king kill each other. » Yeah, we’d say that’s a pretty good reason to end a relationship.

Millie Bobby Brown and Jacob Sartorius

Millie Bobby Brown and Jacob SartoriusGetty Images

Choses étranges star Millie Bobby Brown may have experienced her first real heartbreak when she and singer Jacob Sartorius called it quits in late July 2018, after about seven months together. The two celebs shared nearly identical statements announcing their split on social media, telling fans the decision to end their romance was « completely mutual » and they « are both happy and remaining friends » (via Gens).

While the exes may claim to be friendly, we’re not so sure things ended on a positive note, given Sartorius’ alleged past infidelity. The former Vine star was reportedly exposed for asking a girl to send him nude photos online and, in exchange, he’d supposedly promised to « talk to her everyday. » Though that girl later went back on her statements, her words were enough to cast doubt on Sartorius’ loyalty to Brown, especially when another girl came forward with similar allegations.

Harry Styles and Camille Rowe

Harry Styles and Camille RoweGetty Images

Singer Harry Styles said goodbye to his lady love Camille Rowe, a French-American model, by late July 2018, reported Le soleil. The relationship reportedly fizzled shortly after Styles’ first solo world tour came to a close.

The singer and the Victoria’s Secret model never officially confirmed their relationship, though they’re thought to have dated for more than a year after being introduced to one another by their mutual pal, British model and TV host Alexa Chung. Rowe was spotted supporting Styles in the crowd, alongside his mom, at one of his concerts in March 2018.
Styles’ romance with Rowe, who is about four years his senior, reportedly marked his longest relationship to date. Prior to dating Rowe, he was romantically linked to food blogger Tess Ward, model and reality TV star Kendall Jenner, New Zealand model Georgia Fowler, and songstress Taylor Swift, among others.

Wladimir Klitschko and Hayden Panettiere

Hayden Panettiere and Wladimir KlitschkoGetty Images

News that Nashville star Hayden Panettiere and her fiancé, former professional boxer Wladimir Klitschko, ended their engagement broke in early August. At the time, a source told E! News the celeb couple was « on great terms and friendly. » The insider also noted, « They are a big part of each other’s lives and will continue to be. »

Panettiere and Klitschko’s relationship began in 2009. They got engaged and welcomed daughter Kaya in December 2014. Mom and Dad will obviously have to figure out how to best co-parent their child, but given that Panettiere and Klitschko were both seen with their daughter on vacation in Greece just a month before their breakup made headlines, it seems the actress and the athlete may have already set a plan in motion.

Kourtney Kardashian and Younes Bendjima

Kourtney Kardashian and Younes BendjimaGetty Images

L’incroyable famille Kardashian star Kourtney Kardashian and model boyfriend Younes Bendjima called it quits over the summer of 2018. TMZ reported that Kardashian was the one to end things, and a source for Gens magazine said it « didn’t end well. »

While fans speculated that the breakup may have been caused by Bendjima getting a bit too close to another woman, he denied the cheating rumors. « They really want me to be the bad guy. F**k your Hollywood bulls**t, can’t have fun with your friends no more, » he posted on his Instagram Story.
Kardashian’s sisters appeared to call B.S. on Bendjima’s claims. Khloé Kardashian said she’s « heard it all before, » and Kim Kardashian commented on pictures of Bendjima with another woman on vacation, writing, « boys trip, » along with a growing nose emoji.
Considering just how controlling Bendjima appeared to be — he openly criticized Kourtney for posting revealing photos of herself on social media — this mom of three might be better off without him.

Marty Caffrey and Danielle Staub

Marty Caffrey and Danielle StaubInstagram

Danielle Staub of Les vraies femmes au foyer du New Jersey separated from her husband of two months — yes, months — Marty Caffrey in July 2018. The pair got married on May 5. Caffrey confirmed the breakup to Radar Online, shortly after he went on a since-deleted social media rant about his wife. « Sorry things didn’t work out baby. You aren’t what you pretended to be. Sad, » he said (via the Reality Wives Instagram page).

Staub later obtained a temporary restraining order against Caffrey after he allegedly disengaged her garage door and took down some of her photographs from her home’s walls, reported The Blast. She also accused him of « attempting to tarnish her reputation and career by making repeated false reports to the media. » Caffrey also filed for a temporary restraining against Staub, claiming she tried to « stab him in the neck, » hit him, and scratched him multiple times over the course of the previous year (via Radar Online). It sounds like a divorce was inevitable for these two.

Iggy Azalea and DeAndre Hopkins

Iggy Azalea and DeAndre HopkinsGetty Images

« Fancy » rapper Iggy Azalea and pro football player DeAndre Hopkins reportedly broke up in August. If you never knew these two were even together, don’t feel bad — the two celebs dated for about a second.

Let’s start from the top: While playing « True or False » with radio station Y100 Miami, Azalea confirmed fan speculation that she was dating the Houston Texans wide receiver. « Yeah, we’re in a relationship. » Then, just one day later, she tweeted, « I’m single, » along with a shrugging emoji and a blushing emoji (via Gens). She added that she’s concluded she’s « going to be alone forever » and she’s okay with that.
For his part, Hopkins made sure his followers knew he wasn’t tied down, tweeting, « Y’all know I can care less about social media, but ya boi is SINGLE!! »
Both Azalea’s and Hopkins’ tweets have since been deleted, leaving nothing behind but a great big mystery.

Camila Mendes and Victor Houston

Camila Mendes and Victor HoustonGetty Images/Instagram

Riverdale star Camila Mendes made headlines when she was first romantically linked to Victor Houston in June 2018. Mendes and Houston reportedly grew up near one another in Florida and later reconnected while in New York City. Sounds like a rom-com, right? Well, unfortunately, there was no happy ending for this pair.

A source told E! News in August that the old friends had parted ways « very recently. » According to the insider, « Camila ended things with Victor after ComicCon, when she realized she wasn’t ready to be in this relationship anymore. Victor was completely blindsided and is very heartbroken. » Adding insult to injury, Houston reportedly received hate online from some Riverdale fans after the split, even though the breakup allegedly wasn’t his idea.

Ben Affleck and Lindsay Shookus

Ben Affleck and Lindsay ShookusGetty Images

Movie star Ben Affleck and Saturday Night Live producer Lindsay Shookus called it quits in August, about one year since their relationship went public. Selon Gens, Affleck’s alleged struggle with substance abuse may have been to blame. « Lindsay had been supporting Ben’s sobriety and going to meetings with him. She had him in meditation and they were doing it together, » a source said. « She was trying to stay as close to him as possible so that he would stay on the right path, but ultimately it just wasn’t possible. She knew she had to let him hit bottom. »

Another insider told Gens the breakup was « amicable » and happened only because of the physical distance between them — Affleck lives in Los Angeles; Shookus resides in New York.

Jeff and Marla Garlin

Jeff and Marla GarlinGetty Images

Jeff Garlin, who plays Murray Goldberg on the ABC comedy The Goldbergs, filed for divorce from his wife, Marla Garlin, in September. According to court docs obtained by The Blast, Jeff listed the cause of their split as « irreconcilable differences. » Jeff and Marla — his former agent — reportedly separated in July 2017. The couple marked its 23rd wedding anniversary a day before the reported breakup. They have two adult children, Duke and James.

Jeff, who is well known for his role as Jeff Greene on comedian Larry David’s HBO series Curb Your Enthusiasm, is reportedly willing to pay Marla spousal support but has requested they each pay their own legal fees.

Lil Xan and Noah Cyrus

Lil Xan and Noah CyrusGetty Images

Singer Noah Cyrus and rapper Lil Xan didn’t last long — though they made a lot of headlines in their short time together. A month after news broke that the two artists were dating in early August, Lil Xan (real name Diego Leanos) took to social media to report that he thought Cyrus was cheating on him (via E! News). In response, Cyrus accused him of cheating, noting that « cheaters like to accuse their partner of cheating to make themselves feel less guilty. »

Despite the drama exchanged online for the world to see, the specifics that doomed their relationship remain murky. At one point, Xan claimed their romance was set up by Columbia Records, their shared label, but Cyrus appeared pretty broken up about the whole situation. In one post, she said, « If this was your way of breaking up with me and breaking my heart along with it, then you’ve succeeded. »
Maybe Cyrus and Xan should get into acting — they clearly have a flair for the dramatic.

Jana Carter and Van Jones

Jana Carter and Van JonesGetty Images

CNN’s Van Jones and his wife, Jana Carter, headed to Splitsville in September 2018 after 14 years together. Selon TMZ, Carter, who is a lawyer and the niece of former U.S. president Jimmy Carter, filed for divorce from Jones in Los Angeles County Court on Sept. 7, though they apparently separated the previous May. Jones and Carter wed in 2005 and share sons Mattai and Cabral (via The Blast). Carter reportedly requested joint physical and legal custody of the kids, as well as spousal support from the Van Jones Show étoile.

In a joint statement released after news of their divorce made headlines, Jones and Carter said, « Though we have decided to end our marriage, we still love each other very much. We will continue raising our kids together, running our businesses together and supporting each other’s growth. There is no beef or drama — just evolution. »

Brandon Jenner and Leah Felder

Brandon Jenner and Leah FelderGetty Images

Brandon Jenner, the son of reality star Caitlyn Jenner and model Linda Thompson, is splitting up with wife Leah Felder. Though these two have been close since middle school and formed the indie pop group Brandon & Leah together, they’ve opted to go their separate ways, announcing the breakup in a joint post on social media in September 2018.

« After celebrating 14 beautiful years together, we have lovingly come to the decision to end the romantic aspect of our relationship. We are deeply proud of the life we’ve cultivated together and are truly grateful for the bond of friendship we hold and cherish today. It is stronger than ever, » they said. « Even though we have chosen to separate as a couple, we still love one another very, very much and remain a major part of each others[[sic]lives — as best friends, family and loving parents to our daughter. »
The two tied the knot in Hawaii in May 2012 and welcomed daughter Eva James in July 2015. They insisted their split had nothing to do with infidelity or fighting. They simply changed.

Fred Durst and Kseniya Beryazina

Fred Durst and Kseniya Beryazina

Limp Bizkit frontman Fred Durst is no longer with makeup artist Kseniya Beryazina, whom he married in secret in 2012. They’d managed to keep their legal union under wraps until 2015, when a TMZ photographer snagged a picture of Beryazina’s sparkly ring.

TMZ reported that Durst was the one to file the divorce paperwork in Los Angeles court on Sept. 9, 2018. According to court docs, Durst listed July 31, 2018 as their official date of separation. Page six noted that Durst cited « irreconcilable differences » as the reason for their breakup. While the « Nookie » rocker apparently has no desire to fork over spousal support, Beryazina has requested it.
Durst and Beryazina were together for six years. Their divorce marks the end of Durst’s second marriage. He previously wed Esther Nazarov in Las Vegas in 2009, though they split about a month later, reported TMZ.

Ryan Cabrera and Audrina Patridge

Audrina Patridge and Ryan CabreraGetty Images

Laguna beach alum Audrina Patridge and « On the Way Down » singer Ryan Cabrera ended their second go at romance in September 2018, after just five months of dating, reported Gens. The pair had been romantically linked before in 2010 — that brief romance was documented on Patridge’s MTV show Les collines.

Their 2018 relationship reportedly started in April 2018, when Cabrera and Patridge were spotted at the Stagecoach Music Festival. She told Gens in June that things were « going really good » between her and Cabrera. The following month, a source told Nous hebdomadaire that the couple was « taking it slow. She can’t do anything too serious until she’s divorced, which is taking longer than she wishes. »
Patridge has endured a very rocky split from Australian professional BMX dirt bike rider Corey Bohan, with whom she shares daughter Kirra Max. Did her ongoing legal issues with her ex cause problems with Cabrera?

Holly Madison and Pasquale Rotella

Holly Madison and Pasquale RotellaGetty Images

Kendra Wilkinson wasn’t the only former Playboy model and Girls Next Door star to end her marriage in 2018 — Holly Madison also decided to call it quits with DJ and producer Pasquale Rotella in September 2018. The split reportedly occurred over the summer, with Rotella filing for divorce in August. Selon The Blast, the couple tied the knot in Disneyland in October 2013. They share daughter Rainbow Aurora and son Forest Leonardo Antonio.

Rotella released a statement about the split that Madison later shared on her own Instagram account. « It is with love in our hearts and a deep respect for one another that Holly and I have amicably made the decision to separate. First and foremost, we are forever partners and parents to two beautiful children, and are fully committed to raising them in an environment filled with love and positivity, » he said. Describing Madison as a « beautiful soul, » he noted that they will stay best friends and always support one another.

Mia Goth and Shia LaBeouf

Mia Goth and Shia LaBeoufGetty Images

Actor Shia LaBeouf and his wife, Nymphomaniac co-star Mia Goth, ended their relationship in 2018. However, news about their split didn’t make headlines until LaBeouf was seen leaving singer FKA twigs’ London home in September, sparking rumors that LaBeouf and Goth were over and the actor was now dating the English artist, reported the Courrier quotidien). LaBeouf’s rep later confirmed that the couple had indeed broken up and filed for divorce. « The separation is amicable and all details pertaining to the divorce proceedings will remain private, » the spokesperson noted.

LaBeouf and Goth wed in October 2016 after dating for a few years. Their Las Vegas wedding ceremony was officiated by an Elvis impersonator and live-streamed online. It was later revealed that LaBeouf and Goth didn’t officially get married during the broadcast event, but did make it legal at some point, according to HuffPost.
LaBeouf and Goth have faced issues over the years. The two memorably fought in public in 2015, screaming at one another outside a taxi in Germany, reported Divertissement ce soir. At one point during their argument, LaBeouf — reacting to Goth having taken his backpack away and begging him to stay — said, « I don’t wanna touch you. I don’t wanna be aggressive. This is the kind of s**t that makes a person abusive. » After leaving, he later said, « If I’d have stayed there, I would have killed her. »

Oui. These two might be better off without one another.

Jenni ‘JWoww’ Farley and Roger Matthews

Jenni 'JWoww' Farley and Roger MatthewsGetty Images

Jersey Shore star Jenni « JWoww » Farley and her husband, Roger Matthews, have called it quits. Selon le Asbury Park Press, Farley filed for divorce in September 2018, listing « irreconcilable differences » as the cause for their breakup and noting that they’d been separated for at least six months. Farley and Matthews share two children — daughter Meilani Alexandra and son Greyson Valor.

Noting that infidelity was not the reason for their breakup, Matthews told his Instagram followers that his wife « grew tired of the repetitive pattern that [they] fell into. » He added, « Again, I am not going to get into detail but it was a repetitive pattern and not a good one. » Matthews also said he wasn’t « done fighting » for their marriage. « I am going to win my wife back, » he said. « I’m going to win her affection back, I am going to win her love back. I have no intentions on being a single dad. We’re in counseling, so there is hope. It ain’t over ’til the fat lady sings. »

Zac Brown and Shelly Brown

Zac Brown and Shelly BrownGetty Images

« Chicken Fried » country crooner Zac Brown of the Zac Brown Band and his wife, jewelry designer Shelly Brown, called it quits on their marriage in early October 2018. In a statement obtained by Gens magazine, the two announced: « We feel blessed to be on such an incredible journey in life and sometimes the journey begins to lead in different directions. It is with deep love and respect that we announce we are separating as a couple. »

Zac and Shelly were married for 12 years, having wed back in 2006. The couple share five children: Justice, Lucy, Georgia, Joni, and Alexander. Noting that they’d always remain committed to raising their kids, the former couple added, « This was a difficult decision, but we’ve done plenty of tough things together and this is our next venture — love, mutual respect, and care for each other are what we are moving forward with. »

Ainsley Earhardt and William Proctor

Ashley Earhardt and William ProctorFacebook

Fox & Friends co-host Ainsley Earhardt revealed in October 2018 that she and her husband, William Proctor, had separated. In a statement shared with the Courrier quotidien, she focused on their daughter, Hayden. « I am fully committed to parenting and doing what is always best for my darling little girl and would appreciate privacy and prayers during this difficult time, » she said.

Though Earhardt’s announcement made the split sound amicable enough, it seems the conservative TV journalist and her husband of six years didn’t end things on such great terms. Sources told the Courrier quotidien that Proctor cheated on Earhardt with one of her close friends, and that, despite years of attempting to work through the alleged infidelity, they just couldn’t carry on in their relationship.
Proctor, who filed for divorce in Manhattan Supreme Court the day after Earhardt’s announcement, refuted claims that he’d cheated. « There is not one ounce of truth to the allegations that I had an affair, » he told the New York Post (via Page six). He said he was « devastated » about his split from Earhardt, adding that he « did not envision this for the future of [his] family. »

Ariana Grande and Pete Davidson

Ariana Grande and Pete DavidsonGetty Images

Pop star Ariana Grande and her comedian fiancé, Saturday Night Live’s Pete Davidson, reportedly ended their engagement in October 2018. According to TMZ, the celeb couple realized the timing wasn’t right for their romance to continue. « Pete has really been there for Ariana, » a source told E! News, « and she will always have a special place in her heart for him, but told him that right now is not the best time. »

The « No More Tears Left to Cry » singer has had to deal with a lot emotionally in both 2017 and 2018. In May 2017, a terrorist attack at her concert in Manchester, England left 22 people dead and dozens injured. Grande later admitted to British Vogue that she’d been diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) as a result of the tragedy. Then, her ex-boyfriend Mac Miller died of a suspected overdose on Sept. 7, 2018, and many of his fans blamed Grande for the rapper’s untimely death.
However, there may still be hope for Grande and Davidson to get back together. A source told E! News, « Neither of them know what’s going to happen in the future. She just felt she had to slow it down. »

Cassie and Sean ‘Diddy’ Combs

Sean 'Diddy' Combs and Cassie Ventura

News broke in October 2018 that hip-hop’s Sean « Diddy » Combs — also known as P. Diddy and Puff Daddy, among other monikers — had split with singer and longtime love Cassie (full name Casandra Ventura). Though reps for the stars wouldn’t comment on the breakup to Gens, a source told the magazine that Diddy and Cassie’s separation was « amicable » and that the two « remain friends. » The insider noted, « Cassie is going to focus on her music and acting career. »

The celeb couple reportedly met back in 2000 and were first thought to be romantically involved in 2007. However, they did not confirm their relationship until 2012.
Prior to their split, Diddy had expressed his desire to have more kids one day — with Cassie. « Whatever is supposed to happen in the future is going to happen, but that’s something that I want. I would only have it with my girl [Cassie], of course, » he told Le club du petit-déjeuner in January 2018.
Guess that won’t be happening.

Chloe Bennet and Logan Paul

Chloe Bennet and Logan PaulGetty Images

Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. star Chloe Bennet and controversial YouTuber Logan Paul broke up sometime in September 2018, though news of their split didn’t make headlines until October. « Logan and Chloe had a very fun and strange dynamic that honestly worked really well for awhile. When it was just the two of them, there was no one else in the room, » a source told Just Jared. But while the pair « weirdly worked, » their lives just « aren’t compatible right now. »

Bennet and Paul had gone public with their romance in July 2018. After Bennet and Paul were seen kissing on Paul’s Instagram Stories, a fan asked the actress why she’d date the vlogger (via Divertissement hebdomadaire), who’d previously faced major backlash for sharing a video featuring a dead body in Japan’s « Suicide Forest. »
In response, Bennet defended Paul, calling him, in part, « kind, creative, funny, » and « one of [her] best friends. » We wonder if she still feels so strongly about him today.

Mary Lou Retton and Shannon Kelly

Mary Lou Retton and Shannon KellyInstagram

While competing on Danser avec les étoiles, Olympic gymnast Mary Lou Retton revealed to her professional dancing partner, Sasha Farber, that she went through a divorce earlier in the year. « People don’t know that, » she said of her split from her husband, Shannon Kelley, whom she had been married to for 27 years, during an October episode of the TV dancing competition (via Gens). « It’s the first time I’ve actually said it publicly. »

The gold medalist noted that the divorce « was hard » and that she’d felt « very alone. » Fortunately, her and Kelley’s four children, daughters Shayla, McKenna, Skyla, and Emma, were there for her.
Retton added that, while she still has love for her ex, she and he just « weren’t great together anymore. »
Since finalizing her divorce, Retton has said that her life has done a « full turnaround » and that she’s now on a « really good path. » Hopefully, she continues moving forward and can dance her way to new experiences as a single woman.

Antoni Porowski and Joey Krietemeyer

Antoni Porowski and Joey KrietemeyerGetty Images

Antoni Porowski of Queer Eye fame ended his relationship with boyfriend Joey Krietemeyer, to whom the TV star had been « basically married » (via Vautour), after seven years together. In late October 2018, Nous hebdomadaire reported that the two had gone their separate ways with a source telling the magazine, « Antoni and Joey broke up months ago. » The insider added, « It was very amicable. They’re still friends. It was a clean split. »

As Porowski described to GQ, his romance with Krietemeyer had influenced him to come out to his family. Explaining that his father had commented about how private he was while driving him to the airport, Porowski said that he later emailed his father while on the plane, writing, « You brought this up. I think it’s time I tell you: I love. I am loved. His name is Joey, and we live together. »
Too bad things didn’t last between Porowski and Krietemeyer, but Porowski has reportedly since moved on. The same month that his split with Krietemeyer made the news, Porowski was reported to have started dating Flipping Out’s Trace Lehnhoff.

Post Malone and Ashlen Diaz

Post Malone and Ashlen DiazInstagram

Rapper Post Malone (real name Austin Richard Post) and his girlfriend Ashlen Diaz reportedly ended their romance in 2018. In an article published by Nous hebdomadaire in early November 2018, a source shared that the two now-former lovebirds had split « a month or two. » The insider added that Diaz was allegedly the one to call things off with Malone.

However, another source told the magazine that Malone and Diaz’s breakup was a mutual decision between the pair.
In 2016, Malone had revealed that he found it difficult to be in a serious relationship while pursuing his music career. Parler à Le club du petit-déjeuner, the « Rockstar » artist said, « It’s tough having a balance, between dedicating my life to music and dedicating time for Ashlen. » He added, « It’s tough because you want to get into the studio, you want to make as good music as you can, and sometimes you’re real busy. »
Sounds like Malone will have more time for his music now.

Shawn Booth and Kaitlyn Bristowe

Shawn Booth and Kaitlyn BristoweGetty Images

Reality TV stars Kaitlyn Bristowe and Shawn Booth, who got engaged at the end of the 19th season of La bachelorette in 2015, are no longer together. The couple announced their split in a joint statement given to Gens magazine. « After three incredible years, we have decided to go our separate ways, » Bristowe and Booth shared. « This difficult decision comes after thoughtful, respectful consideration. Even though we are parting as a couple, we’re very much committed to remaining friends and we will continue to support each other. »

Selon Gens, the celeb couple’s busy schedules contributed to their decision to call it quits. Bristowe’s reported desire to get married and have children in the near future may have also played a role in their split.
A source later told the magazine that Bristowe was « devastated » by the breakup. « There is a lot of hurt, » the insider revealed. « Kaitlyn tried to make it work. She never thought this would end. »

Larsa and Scottie Pippen

Larsa and Scottie PippenGetty Images

Former NBA star Scottie Pippen, who notably played for the Chicago Bulls, and his wife of 21 years, The Real Housewives of Miami’s Larsa Pippen, have broken up. Nous hebdomadaire confirmed the news on Nov. 2, 2018, by reporting a statement from Larsa on the matter. « It is with deep sadness that Scottie and I announce that we are legally separating, » the reality TV star shared. « We have both tried very hard for a long time to make our marriage work and have ultimately come to the conclusion that it is best that we live separate lives. »

Noting that they share « so many amazing memories together, » as well as four children (Scotty Jr., Preston, Justin, and Sophia), Larsa stated that she and Scottie would « remain [the] best of friends. »
Larsa filed for divorce from Scottie in Los Angeles on the same day that she released her statement. She listed « irreconcilable differences » as the reason for their separation. Sources told Nous hebdomadaire that Larsa had cheated on her husband with rapper Future, which reportedly « devastated » Scottie. However, another insider denied this rumor.
Scottie and Larsa may have been heading toward a breakup for some time, as Scottie had previously filed for divorce from Larsa in 2016 before they eventually reconciled.

Marisol Nichols and Taron Lexton

Marisol Nichols and Taron LextonGetty Images

Actress Marisol Nichols, who plays Hermione Lodge on The CW’s Riverdale, may need to lean on her TV daughter, Camila Mendes, because, like Mendes, she also reportedly ended a relationship in 2018. Nichols filed for divorce from her husband of ten years, director and cinematographer Taron Lexton, in November 2018, as reported by The Blast. The celebrity gossip rag noted that Nichols and Lexton, who married at the Church of Scientology’s Celebrity Centre in Los Angeles in 2008, had reportedly separated back in 2016. In court documents, Nichols is said to have listed « irreconcilable differences » as the cause of their split.

Selon TMZ, Nichols is requesting primary custody of their daughter, Rain India, and joint legal custody. She also reportedly wants spousal support.
Nichols previously commented on her family life in an interview with Nous hebdomadaire in 2017. As her husband was often away on location for work, she likened her Riverdale character’s relationship with her child with that of her relationship with her real-life kid, saying, « It’s always been me and my daughter. »
Hopefully, Nichols’ divorce won’t be as dramatic as anything on her teen drama show.

Randy Bick and Kathy Griffin

Kathy Griffin and Randy BickGetty Images

Comedian Kathy Griffin took to Twitter on Nov. 8, 2018 to announce that she and her longtime boyfriend, Randy Bick, had split up. « God help me, but I¹m gonna be one of those people who announces a break up, » she wrote in a post to her more than 2 million followers. « After 7 years, Randy and I have decided to part ways. It’s not acrimonious and I will always adore him. »

Taking aim at the popular celebrity gossip rag TMZ and its founder Harvey Levin, Griffin added, « There, now those jerks at TMZ wont get the story first. Go back to your bootlicking, @HarveyLevinTMZ. »
As noted by Gens, Griffin and Bick began dating in 2011, after meeting at a wine and food festival. As she told the magazine in October 2016, Griffin, who is about 18 years older than Bick, didn’t think they were going to have anything more than a one-night stand, but as we know, these two had a great run together.

Paris Hilton and Chris Zylka

Paris Hilton and Chris ZylkaGetty Images

Socialite Paris Hilton and her fiancé, actor Chris Zylka, called it quits on their engagement just ten months after the Amazing Spider-Man star proposed. On Nov. 19, 2018, E! News reported that Hilton had broken up with Zylka weeks earlier. « Their relationship moved really quickly, and she realized he wasn’t right for her, » a source claimed. « She wishes him well and hopes they can remain friends. »

Since they ended their relationship, Zylka has allegedly been asking for Hilton’s engagement ring back — a 20-carat sparkler that’s worth a whopping $2 million — but he apparently never dished out the dough for the jewelry in the first place. Selon Page six, Hilton was gifted the ring from friend and jeweler Michael Greene, so despite Hilton allegedly being the one to end the romance, Zylka might not get his hands on the ring since it reportedly never was his.

Robert De Niro and Grace Hightower

Robert De Niro and Grace HightowerGetty Images

Famed actor Robert De Niro and his wife of more than 20 years, Grace Hightower, have reportedly separated, according to a November 2018 report in Page six. « De Niro and Grace are breaking up. He’s been at a few things since the very end of the summer without her — and rumor has it they are done, » a source said.

De Niro and Hightower wed in 1997, after almost ten years of dating. Two years after tying the knot, De Niro filed for divorce from Hightower, but the two managed to work things out. They share two children: 20-year-old son Elliot (born 1998) and daughter Helen (born 2011) (via E! News).

Natalie Dormer and Anthony Byrne

Natalie Dormer and Anthony ByrneGetty Images

Jeu des trônes’ star Natalie Dormer and her longtime fiancé, director Anthony Byrne, reportedly ended their relationship after the summer of 2018, though news of their breakup didn’t make headlines until November. Selon le New Statesman, Byrne and Dormer called it quits after promoting the movie they wrote and produced together, In Darkness. Working on the film together may have put a strain on their relationship. « It’s tough! » the actress told Gens in August 2016. « I don’t know if you’ve ever been in a writing room but I wouldn’t recommend it with your other half. »

Dormer and Byrne started dating in 2007, after meeting on the set of the TV series The Tudors, on which Dormer starred. Byrne proposed to Dormer while the celeb couple vacationed on a boat in India, reported the Indépendant.

Nastia Liukin and Matt Lombardi

Nastia Liukin Matt LombardiGetty Images

Things are officially over for Olympian Nastia Liukin and her fiancé, former ice hockey player, Matt Lombardi. En novembre 2018, Gens reported that the gymnast and her longtime love had broken up after a three-year engagement. « They have mutually and amicably ended their relationship, » a spokesperson for Liukin told the magazine, noting that the pair broke up during the summer.

Liukin and Lombardi previously planned a June 2017 wedding, but the gold medalist announced a month prior that they were postponing their nuptials. Blaming the move on her « crazy » career, she stated at the time, « We’re together, we’re engaged and we are postponing. »
Don’t feel too bad for Liukin, though — she appears to be taking it all in stride. A day before Gens announced her split from Lombardi, Liukin posted a photo of herself on Instagram, captioning the pic with the Taylor Swift lyrics, « I’m doin’ better than I ever was. » Despite any heartbreak she may be feeling, we’re sure Liukin will be just fine.

Ross Mathews and Salvador Camarena

Ross Mathews Salvador CamarenaGetty Images

TV personality Ross Mathews, who many may know as « Ross the Intern » from The Tonight Show with Jay Leno, announced in November 2018 that he and his boyfriend of almost a decade, Salvador Camarena, had ended their relationship. Posting a black-and-white photo of himself with his now-ex on Instagram, Mathews told his followers, in part, « After nearly ten years together, Salvador and I have decided that the time has come to part ways. »

He noted, « This split is amicable and filled with kindness, compassion and a genuine love for one another. As we go forward, each of us feels as if he has a cheerleader in our corner — a family member for life. »
On his own Instagram page, Camarena shared a similar post, adding the hashtag « #consciousuncoupling » in his caption — using the term popularized by actress Gwyneth Paltrow to indicate that their breakup really was a joint decision.
Tel que rapporté par Gens, Mathews and Camarena had started dating back in 2008.

Tim Commerford and Aleece Commerford

Tim CommerfordGetty Images

The wife of Rage Against the Machine bassist Tim Commerford filed for divorce in late November 2018, as reported by The Blast. According to the celebrity gossip rag, Aleece Commerford filed divorce documents in a Los Angeles court on Nov. 28. In the docs, she claimed they’d separated earlier in the week and she requested physical custody of their two kids, sons Xavier and Quentin. Aleece, who married the musician in 2001, also reportedly asked for spousal support from the former Audioslave member.

Unfortunately, things between Tim and Aleece got ugly fast. On Nov. 30, The Blast reported that Tim filed for a restraining order against Aleece, claiming she’d arrived « uninvited and unannounced » to a place where he was staying, rammed a car into the garage door « to illegally gain access to the residence, » and then « viciously assaulted » him.
A judge reportedly granted the restraining order, and now Aleece allegedly can’t get within 100 yards of Tim or any location where he plays or rehearses with his bandmates.

Cardi B and Offset

Cardi B OffsetGetty Images

In early December 2018, « Bodak Yellow » rapper Cardi B announced in a since-deleted Instagram video (via abc affiliate WFTS Tampa Bay) that she and her husband, Migos member Offset, had called it quits on their marriage. « So, everybody been bugging me and everything. And you know, I been trying to work things out with my baby father for a hot minute now, » she began, adding that she and Offset are « really good friends » and « really good business partners. » And while she said she can always open up to him, she revealed that « things just haven’t been working out between us for a long time »

Without placing blame on either herself or Offset for the breakdown of their marriage, she shared, « It’s just like I guess we grew out of love. »
Cardi and Offset had previously married in secret in September 2017, before welcoming their first child together, daughter Kulture. And it’d seem that Cardi is focusing on her role as a mother. After she opened up about her split from Offset, she posted the first photo of baby Kulture online, writing, « My heart. »

Jonathan Van Ness and Wilco Froneman

Jonathan Van Ness and Wilco FronemanGetty Images

Queer Eye star Jonathan Van Ness ended things with his rugby player boyfriend, Wilco Froneman, in late December 2018. Van Ness announced the split via a shirtless photo of himself on Instagram. In the caption, he quoted pop singer Ariana Grande’s hit « Thank U, Next, » writing, « She taught me love, she taught me patience, how she handles pain, that s**ts amazing. I’ve loved and I’ve lost but that’s not what I see because look what I found ain’t no need for searching. » The famous hairdresser continued, « Rounding out my 2018 with a very gorg THANK U NEXT. #selflove. » He also pleaded with his fans to not « go in on Wilco » because « he doesn’t need the anger & I don’t want to see him suffer. »

Selon Nous hebdomadaire, however, Van Ness initially had another caption on that photo — and it suggested that things didn’t end too well between these two. « Cheaters never prosper, » Van Ness reportedly wrote before changing the caption.

Michelle Williams and Chad Johnson

Michelle Williams and Chad JohnsonYoutube

Destiny’s Child member Michelle Williams announced that her relationship with her fiancé, pastor Chad Johnson, was over on Dec. 7, 2018 — the same day she released the song « Fearless, » reported Gens. In her since-deleted message on Instagram, Williams wrote, « I still remain fearless, I guess I still remain single! Things didn’t work out. » She continued, « The healing that needs to take place is a must! I don’t wanna destroy another relationship. Blessings to him, his family and ministry. »

Williams met Johnson at a spiritual retreat in March 2017. They got engaged the next year, but Williams called it off twice in a three-month time span in 2018, according to Gens. The first time was just a few weeks after Johnson proposed, and months later, Williams was hospitalized and admitted to a facility to treat depression. Johnson reportedly stayed by Williams’ side during this time, and the two underwent premarital counseling. Alas, it seems this partnership just wasn’t meant to be.

Hailee Steinfeld and Niall Horan

Hailee Steinfeld and Niall HoranGetty Images

Bourdon actress Hailee Steinfeld and « Slow Hands » singer Niall Horan called it quits in 2018, though the details surrounding their split are fuzzy. News that the celeb couple ended its romance made headlines in mid-December 2018, but a source told Nous hebdomadaire that Steinfeld and Horan broke up « a while ago. » According to another insider, « Niall wrapped up his tour and had more free time, but Hailee’s work schedule really ramped up, so they didn’t have time for a relationship. They still have a lot of love for each other. »

Just how long Steinfeld and Horan were together is unclear, as the two have been notoriously private about their relationship. Selon Nous hebdomadaire, the actress and the former One Direction member were close friends before they became romantically linked in January 2018 after catching a play together in London.

Kristen Stewart and Stella Maxwell

Kristen Stewart and Stella MaxwellGetty Images

Kristen Stewart and Stella Maxwell reportedly split up amicably around November 2018, but news of their breakup didn’t make the rounds in the press until December. « They stopped seeing eye to eye and were living very different lives, « a source told Nous hebdomadaire. The insider noted that maintaining a long-distance relationship while Stewart was in Germany to film the Charlie’s Angels reboot « didn’t help. » However, the source claimed the Twilight actress and the Victoria’s Secret Angel « had issues » before Stewart headed off to Europe. Selon un E! News spy, Stewart and Maxwell’s relationship « stopped being fun » and they both realized they « needed a change. »

Stewart and Maxwell reportedly started dating around January 2017 and had moved in together by the following May.

Dylan O’Brien and Britt Robertson

Dylan O'Brien and Britt RobertsonGetty Images

The Maze Runner star Dylan O’Brien and Girlboss actress Britt Robertson went their separate ways in 2018, according to Nous hebdomadaire. These two reportedly dated for six years, having started their relationship after meeting on the set of 2012’s The First Time.

O’Brien has praised Robertson for supporting him after he was injured on the set of Maze Runner: The Death Cure in 2016. « My parents and my girlfriend were by my side the whole way, » he told Gens in 2017. « My girlfriend was with me every step of the way, even in my hospital bed, she’s a saint. She also got up to Canada so quickly, I didn’t know that was possible and was there one of the first times I opened my eyes. »
Comme le note le Courrier quotidien, neither O’Brien nor Robertson have publicly commented on their alleged breakup. However, both celebrities have been rumored to be seeing other people. O’Brien has reportedly been romantically linked to Brain on Fire’s Chloë Grace Moretz. The two were seen at an afterparty for a Niall Horan concert in August 2018. Robertson, on the other hand, has been spending time with Ray Donovan star Graham Rogers.

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